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Comment Re:Slashdot editors owe me a new keyboard. (Score 2) 365

Look at it this way. Now that they've found the Atari 2600 ET cartridges in a New Mexico landfill, there's plenty of room for all the Surfaces (all variants) that Microsoft can't sell.

It's amusing watching the mighty Redmond Emperor with his clothes off; a whole product line and who knows how much R&D and marketing cash dumped into it, that almost no one actually fucking wants. It's so bad that they can't even get their OEM network to build the fucking things and they have to put them under their own brand name as they try the final futile stunt of acting like they're Apple.

Comment A big problem, but also the only missing piece (Score 1) 263

With regard to this, one helpful thing in the ruling is that the Court says that old and ubiquitous technologies don't count when judging if an abstract concept has been transformed into a patentable application of said abstract concept.

(Patent lawyers are up in arms about this, complaining that the Court has "mixed up article 101 (subject matter) with articles 102 (prior art) and 103 (obviousness)". To get more patents, they want to reduce the "abstract ideas" exception to a theoretical concept that only happens inside people's brains any patent application can pass.)

So Timothy's right (as usual), but still, at least we have the Justices acknowledging that algorithms shouldn't be patentable, and that "on a computer" doesn't make a non-patentable concept patentable. All we have to do is bridge that last gap and show them that all software is math:

For Alice v. CLS, more analyses listed at the end of this page:

Comment I wrote the headline, and it's correct (Score 3, Insightful) 220

I know the headline is correct because Gene Quinn is hopping mad. Quinn makes a living by obtaining software patents and always says he can draft around any limits imposed by the courts, but here's what he's saying today:

"an intellectually bankrupt opinion ... will render many hundreds of thousands of software patents completely useless ... On first read I donâ(TM)t see how any software patent claims written as method or systems claims can survive challenge."

I didn't want to trust my own reading, but I knew it was a big victory when I read Quinn's reaction.

Submission + - US Supreme Court invalidates patent for being software patent (

ciaran_o_riordan writes: The US Supreme Court has just invalidated a patent for being a software patent! To no fanfare, the Court has spent the past months reviewing a case, Alice v. CLS Bank, which posed the question of "Whether claims to computer-implemented inventions ... are directed to patent-eligible subject matter". Their ruling was just published, and what we can say already is that the court was unanimous in finding this particular software patent invalid, saying: "the method claims, which merely require generic computer implementation, fail to transform that abstract idea into a patent-eligible invention", and go on to conclude that because "petitioner’s system and media claims add nothing of substance to the underlying abstract idea, we hold that they too are patent ineligible". The 'End Software Patents' wiki has a page for commenting the key extracts and listing third-party analyses. Analysis will appear there as the day(s) goes on. Careful reading is needed to get an idea of what is clearly invalidated (file formats?), and what areas are left for future rulings. If you can help, well, it's a wiki. Software Freedom Law Center's website will also be worth checking in the near future.

Comment Re:Why ex clusive? (Score 1) 192

Actually, now that you mention it, being AT&T exclusive pretty much is why Android is the world's most popular mobile OS and iOS is a minority operating system.

Meanwhile, is Amazon as good at this as Apple? Is it 2007, or 2014?

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