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Comment Re:Choice but with consequences (Score 4, Insightful) 740

I have an idea.... lets hire a bunch of doctors to use science to figure all that out. We can name them something like The Center for Disease Control.

Unless you are a doctor, or epidemiologist, what you're really saying is you want to argue that your uneducated opinion is as valid as centuries of medical knowledge. They have thought about the ramifications.. decades ago (and still do today). They've thought about what vaccines... decade ago (and still do today). The CDC isn't a drug company.. they don't make money by pushing drugs onto people; there job is to keep people alive, to prevent massive outbreaks, and to try to protect people from their own stupidity.

Sadly, they've sorely underestimated the level of stupidity involved.

Comment Re:Choice but with consequences (Score 4, Insightful) 740

The logic behind it was pretty simple. No company makes money on the vaccinations that are required (for the most part), and a few of those vaccinations are made/provided at a loss. Because there are only a few companies that make them, and because of the vaccines vital importance to society, they developed the program to compensate anyone who did have an adverse reaction in lieu of a handful of lawsuits driving those few companies out of business, thereby depriving society of a critical resource.

I am very much against government shielding corporations from legal actions, or being used as the muscle behind (bought) laws that strong-arm citizens.... but in this case, this type of program was needed. The only two options would be to nationalize production of vaccinations, or to let all these diseases decimate the human species into eventual extinction.

Comment Re:Only if they pay for infections this causes (Score 4, Insightful) 740

But that is part of the problem... really stupid people who think their ignorant, uneducated opinion is as valid as the accumulation of centuries of medical knowledge. You supposedly have a brain.. use it. Learn. Grow. Become a thinking person.

If your car breaks down, you take it to a mechanic; if you travel by airplane, you have a pilot fly the plane; if you get sick, you go to a doctor... not a mechanic, or pilot.... and certainly not a blonde brain-dead ex Playboy playmate who's biggest claim to fame is taking off her cloths so a bunch of horny guys can jerk off to pictures of her.

Comment Re:HPV (Score 2) 740

Not keeping up on even past events, i see:

"However, pro-life advocates and conservatives reacted strongly to the mandate and said the only way young girls would get the disease is if they engaged in sexual activity — prompting a call for more promotion of abstinence education, which Perry favors, instead. After the outcry, Perry allowed a bill to become law that the Texas legislature approved to backtrack on the decision, making it so young girls are no longer required to get the vaccine."

Your pause in bashing "stupid fucking partisan idiots," which you mistake as bashing republicans (personally, i can see how those can easily be mistaken for each other), would have been good in ONE solitary instance prior to 4 years ago.... but because the "stupid fucking partisan idiot" caved in to a bunch of other "whiny stupid fucking idiots," your pause is no longer valid. Try to keep up on events.

Comment Re:"Support" != actually sacrifice for (Score 1) 458

Your comment only shows you've never understood what government and citizenship is. You want some authoritarian nightmare where government is only for a few people and not everyone.... you don't get that. Government and society is for everyone. You get some things you like, and other people get some things they like.

Here's one of the big differences between conservatives and liberals... liberals understand that for their entire lives, they've benefited from the investment in society that previous generations have made; conservatives seem to think the the world started yesterday, that they did it all by their lonesome, and they don't owe anyone for anything. The true thieves are those who don't want to make investments for future generations after using all the benefits that previous generations sacrificed for them... those are some very sick, greedy, self absorbed, and fundamentally morally challenged people.

Conservatives always seem to hate "social programs," but they always take advantage of them when they need them. It's too bad they don't seem to have the forethought to understand that if they had their way, those programs wouldn't even exist when they ended up needing them. Self-centered, shortsighted, and narcissistic is an ugly way to go through life.

Comment Re:"Support" != actually sacrifice for (Score 4, Insightful) 458

Actually, liberals do want to pay for government programs... that's WHY democrats have a more favorable view of taxes; as Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr said: "Taxes are what we pay for civilized society."

Conservatives, on the other hand, don't want to pay for government. They consistently enact policies and tax cuts that hamper, disrupt, and destroy the machinations of a civilized society, while shirking the responsibility to pay for government, and foisting it onto future generations.... usually all the while complaining that government doesn't work.

Increase taxes, fixing the corporate tax system, and making cuts to our massively bloated military are positions that liberals take, and conservatives hate. The problem isn't with liberals here, it's with conservatives that, once again, hate government.

As for your actual debt bullshit, which is what it is, you're citing a radical conservative who want's to do away with medicaid, medicare, and health exchanges, and replace them all with vouchers; supports requiring banks and financial institutions to all be changed so they have no liability for the financial vehicles they sell; and eliminate the entire tax structure and replace it with the most regressive form of taxation in the misnamed "fair tax" flat tax system, where the poorest people are the most heavily taxed.

What this individual does is hype the "debt they're keeping secret" by trying to get people who don't understand basic (VERY BASIC) accounting to think it's all some sort of conspiracy. It's not; he's preying on the ignorance of those he talks to, most of whom probably already hate the government, and filling their heads with bullshit. In the most basic terms, there's two types of accounting for money you'd decided to spend: as you spend it, or all of it at once when you decide to spend it. BOTH are legitimate accounting methods. In the US, we account for it as we spend it. What this guy is saying is that we should be accounting for ALL of it the second we decide to spend it.

Why we don't do it his way: As an example, in 1996 Lockheed and Boeing were given contracts to produce concepts that were the first phase of the F-35 program. That's 1.5 billion dollars. If we had to account for the total cost of the F-35 program, as in HAVE THAT MONEY IN THE BANK, we'd have needed almost a trillion dollars right from the get go. Every time that the program is re-assessed, it's cost goes up... that would mean that every time those 100's of billions it's projected cost went up, we'd have to come up with RIGHT THEN. Nothing would ever get done, nothing would ever get started, because while that project might get underway for a smaller amount every year for a decade, coming up with that entire decades cost before anything was even started, and packing it away never to be touched, would be a massive waste of resources.

If you don't think i'm right, go rent an apartment. Figure out how many years you're going to be living there, then pay ALL those monthly rental costs up front. Or how about your electric bill. Sit down, figure out how much electricity costs you this last year... now figure out how long you're going to be alive and pay the electric company for all that electricity you're gong to use in your lifetime RIGHT NOW. That is as absurd as what this Kotlikoff's schtick is.

The biggest generational theft ever to happen is the tax cuts conservatives have enacted over the last 35 years that have caused the national debt to explode.

Comment Lets see.... (Score 1) 397

For a more than a decade now, NASA and the National Research Council have been saying that the loss of weather tracking satellites without them being replaced will affect the ability to monitor and predict weather events in the country. Some idiots in this country, instead of replacing these critical satellites, prefer to funnel even more taxpayer money to the extremely rich. Now, those same idiots complain when weather forecasting is off a little, suggesting it's all the governments fault.

There is a glint of irony to be had, if you can manage to not be blinded by the extreme stupidity.

Comment Re:Glad were stopping the evil socialists (Score 1) 182

Ah, so your problem is you're just a stupid fucking prick. Got it. Let me guess... you're a "libertarian," one of those too embarrassed to admit they voted for Bush... twice.

Points moot, and obviously over your head. You made stupid fucking assumptions about people, and tried to distract from the problem being discussed. You ARE part of the problem. on top of being a childish fucking idiot.

Comment Re:Glad were stopping the evil socialists (Score 1) 182

Well, he quite clearly has his political head up his ass... as well as being a fucking idiot for making assumptions about people. His fucked in the head type thinking is why this country has so many problems, and his attempts to distract from the problems by making stupid fucking comments and stupid fucking assumptions about people he doesn't know aren't part of the solution, they're part of the problem.

The politician in question, if he was 47 years old, probably shouldn't be hanging around with 17 year olds in the first place; but saying that people must agree with his actions BECAUSE he's a democrat means that the poster agrees with Republican Party leader Bobby Stumbo raping a 5 year old boy BECAUSE Stumbo and the poster are both republicans.... it's twisted, stupid as fuck thinking.

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