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Submission + - Google Adsense may be penalizing popular sites

Bryan writes: This first paragraph from the article pretty much sums it up:
'Data on several sites maintained by the operators of suggests that Google may be manipulating the profits webmasters receive from Google's Adsense program. Our analysis shows statistical evidence that as a website becomes more popular, it receives less earnings per click (EPC) from Google Adsense. Since the EPC is determined by Google's algorithms prior to the ad being served to a page, this suggests that Google may be intentionally or unintentionally manipulating EPC to increase their profit and/or Adsense participation. The method appears to be similar to the "throttling" practices that landed online movie retailer Netflix in legal hot water last year.'
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Submission + - Why doesn't lab dark matter behave as it should?

Matthew Sparkes writes: "Experimental results suggest that scientists have succeeded in creating dark matter in a lab. Although this is the stuff that is thought to make up about one-fifth of the mass of the universe, no one has ever managed to see a single particle of it before. But there's something about his team's results that makes no sense. Their dark matter particles — called axions — aren't behaving as they should. They seem to be endowed with a property that means they should have sucked the life out of the sun billions of years ago. Plainly this has not happened, so what is going on?"

Submission + - Does Global Warming Cause C02?

StealthyRoid writes: "A documentary set to air on BBC-4 on Thursday, March 8, makes the claim that the global warming alarmist camp has got the relationship between increasing C02 levels and global warming exactly backwards: That an increase in the Earth's temperature is the cause of elevated C02, and the slight uptick in global average temperature that we've been seeing is the result of cosmological effects, not human interference. The documentary also claims that the attempted "fixes" for global warming demanded by the alarmist movement (massive energy output reductions, de-industrialization, etc...) are going to end up hurting poor nations to the point where they're condemned to life in the stone age."
User Journal

Journal SPAM: Severe poverty in U.S. hits high

[spam URL stripped]

WASHINGTON - The percentage of poor Americans who are living in severe poverty has reached a 32-year high, millions of working Americans are falling closer to the poverty line and the gulf between the nation's "haves" and "have-nots" continues to widen.


Submission + - Scientist: Sun is Warming Both Earth and Mars

MCraigW writes: "Simultaneous warming on Earth and Mars suggests that our planet's recent climate changes have a natural — and not a human-induced — cause. Earth is currently experiencing warming, which climate scientists say is due to humans pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

Mars, too, appears to be enjoying more mild and balmy temperatures.

In 2005 data from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey missions revealed that the carbon dioxide "ice caps" near Mars's south pole had been diminishing for three summers in a row.

Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of the St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, says the Mars data is evidence that the current global warming on Earth is being caused by changes in the sun."

Submission + - Atom-thick carbon transistor could succeed silicon

Matthew Sparkes writes: "Transistors more than four times smaller than the tiniest silicon ones — and potentially more efficient — can be made using sheets of carbon just one-tenth of a nanometre thick. The transistors are made of graphene, a sheet of carbon atoms in a flat honeycomb arrangement. Graphene makes graphite when stacked in layers, and carbon nanotubes when rolled into a tube. "This new material has properties that suggest it could have a range of powerful applications.""

Submission + - Slashdot in a sci-fi book

An anonymous reader writes: I was reading 'Century Rain' by Alastair Reynolds and was very surprised to see Slashdot mentioned there. Apparently a powerful, technologically advanced human society in the future will be founded by Slashdotters. From the book: "It's all right," Niagara said. "I won't be the least bit offended if you call me a Slasher. You probably regard the term as an insult." "Isn't it?" Auger asked, surprised. "Only if you want it to be." Niagara made a careful gesture, like some religious benediction: a diagonal slice across his chest and a stab to the heart. "A slash and a dot," he said. "I doubt it means anything to you, but this was once the mark of an alliance of progressive thinkers linked together by one of the very first computer networks. The Federation of Polities can trace its existence right back to that fragile collective, in the early decades of the Void Century. It's less a stigma than a mark of community."

Submission + - Chinese Remote Controlled Pigeons

MidVicious writes: "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... Fake. Chinese Remote Controlled Pigeons... Real! At least according to an article in CNN, Chinese scientists have "succeeded in controlling the flight of pigeons with micro electrodes planted in their brains..."

Between this and the earlier reported Chinese DoD Hacker attack, I advise you all to always wear a hat and to park your cars in garages whenever possible."

Submission + - Trolltech Qtopia Greenphone and SDK Review

An anonymous reader writes: The Greenphone comes at a time when there are countless mobile Linux platforms, but not many of them are open for easy development. This little device aims to fill a niche for a community-oriented mobile development platform. How does it perform? reviews the Trolltech Qtopia Greenphone and SDK.

Submission + - Conservapedia - a Christian rival to Wikipedia

99luftballon writes: A rival to Wikipedia has been launched by Christian conservatives to counter left wing and anti-Christian bias in the online encyclopaedia. Conservapedia (warning site very slow, both to load and in content) seeks to address the biased Wikipedia, which uses CE rather than AD for dating (and is thus anti-Christian) and contains many pages that do not deal with Christian 'facts'. A summary of such facts include the news that atheism is responsible for bestiality, Einstein's work had nothing to do with the atom bomb and Christianity is the only religion which is based on faith. Home schooling has a lot to answer for...

Submission + - Virtualisation VMWare vs Parallels vs KVM

An anonymous reader writes: Hey, I am a developer and am about to move to a Linux (Ubuntu for now) Machine, even though I develop in Windows XP. So I would like to get everyone's opinion or thoughts on which is better and why out of Parallels for Linux and VMWare and KVM. My main concerns are speed and data integrity... I would like to have share virtual hard drives so multiple machines can use the same data. I would like Speed as I will be developing inside of these virutal machines... Any help would be appreciated. Regards C

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