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Comment Re:Typo: Digital Rights Management (Score 4, Insightful) 371

You're right. By subscribing to Netflix I am legitimizing their use of DRM. Personally, I feel that $8/month for unlimited movie watching, with the restriction that I must be online to do so, is completely acceptable.

There are uses of DRM that I find unacceptable (I won't "buy" a movie from Google Play or iTunes) but Netflix isn't one of them.

Comment Re:What they will really drink (Score 1) 278

Are there any cities that truly have a landfill of sorts for treated sewage water? A place where it can go that it will not end up back in the drinking water cities? Because I think that is what would be extremely rare.

It's called the ocean. Coastal cities often place the out fall from their waste treatment plants in the ocean or a convenient bay. As there is no one downstream of them they either have to add the treated water directly to their potable water system, or pump it back uphill into tower aquifers.

Comment Re:Too much dependency (Score 1) 276

Let's see...

Public transit data? I have a pdf of the schedule saved locally.

Maps? Google Maps caches mapping data locally, and there are mapping apps that store all map data locally.

Mission critical documents? Synced to the cloud, so a local copy still exists.

Mobile games? Not all mobile games require a data connection.

Contact lists? Your example is not how Android works, does iOS really do that?

Used properly they're very useful, even without a data connection.

Comment Re:Unbelievable. (Score 1) 180

No, it's a captive market. I had one math teacher in high school get irate when I brought a TI-85 into class where the syllabus suggested we use a TI-83. She actually suggested (rather forcefully) that I go out and buy an 83 or she wouldn't be able to help me with any of the graphing calculator assignments.

Texas Instruments has gotten cozy with textbook publishers and that is why you can find the TI-x line of calculators at places like Target, not because of any technical superiority.

Comment Re:Don't ask, don't tell (Score 1) 114

Okay, lets try again, shall we?

1. A Stingray is not synonymous to a GPS tracker (placed knowingly or otherwise.)

2. North Carolina, stupidly made the argument that a GPS tracker is not a search, despite various SCOTUS rulings otherwise.

3. SCOTUS reiterated it's previous position on GPS trackers and sent the case back to NC.

At no point in time di the SCOTUS make any ruling that would impact anything other than the assertion that a GPS tracker is not a search. Chances are that NC will revise their argument and dude is still going to have a GPS anklet for the rest of life. This is not some revolutionary ruling from the SCOTUS.

Yes, Stingrays are a worrying technology (even more so, law enforcement's general ambivalence toward any public concern), and I certainly don't believe proper privacy safeguards are in place, but this ruling has nothing to do with them.

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