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Comment Re:Germany sells nuclear tech to Iran (Score 2) 280

Fraud is the only viable reason for fighting against voter ID laws. Your opposition proves the need for such laws.

Does this level of ignorance come naturally for you or do you havve to try hard to achieve it?

I can give you at least one mor viable reason for fighting against the kind of voter ID laws that are implemented now:
They very clearly prevent the poor and less educated people from voting. Voter ID laws lead to more eligible voters not being able to vote than the amount of fraudulent votes prevented.

Politicians may claim that the implement these laws to stop voter fraud, but it's obvious they to it to prevent potential votes for the other party.

Comment Re:Time to shut down the WTO (Score 1) 327

But I believe the ruling is flawed insomuch that it doesn't take into account the political structure of the US and instead imposes the rules as if the federal government was an all encompassing concentration of power in the US that all states and citizens are subjects of.

If the US government can not enforce a treaty, they should not have signed it.
If international bodies started to take into account the special needs of individual countries we could throw away all treaties. There is always some argument why this one country or that one does need special treatment.

This is especially the case in Europe where most people and governments are subjects of the crown. There are 12 monarchies in Europe currently (including the Vatican city) and while they do not have or exert much political power any more, the concept is still there.

You learn some strange math over there in 'merica.
There are 12 monarchies according to you. How many countries are in Europe? (Hint: There are 28 member states of the European Union, and the EU is only part of Europe).
Also, many of the biggest countries in Europe (Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Russia) are definitely not monarchies, so the vast majority of people in Europe do not live in a monarchy.
So how do you justify your statement?

Comment Re:And this is Why I Don't Buy Ebooks and Readers (Score 2) 548

After Amazon pulled the first revokation, I decided that ebooks were no longer a viable option.

Actually, ebooks are just as viable an option as paper books.
paper books are recalled too if somebody convinces the authorities or the publisher that something is wrong or illegal about the book.

The problem with ebooks are DRM and other schemes that allow ebook shops to pull ebooks from users reading devices.
But if you buy ebooks DRM-free and download them immediately to a medium that only you have control over nobody can remove or change content.

Comment Re:Europe (Score 2) 100

The funny thing is that this would not be an issue had Apple been a German company. If BMW had a feature demonstrated on a car before it was patented, the German court would uphold it. Apple, being a US company (and thus the target of anti-US sentiment) is an easy target.

Do you have prove for this claim?
Just because in the US you do things this way (Apple vs. Samsung, Apple vs. HTC) doesn't mean that others do as well.

You should know that we Germans are sticklers for rules.

Oh, and this myth of rampart anti-US sentiments in Germany isn't really true, either.

Comment Re:Yes. (Score 1) 631

The problem is that if people really wanted stuff rammed down their throats willy-nilly, they'd be running Windows 8. Linux is an operating system that people choose, so restricting choices goes against the nature of the demographic.

Distributions all the time make choices for the user. And just like with Ubuntu you can override most of these choices by using the package management of choice or, worst case, switching to a different distribution.

I was pissed when the Gnome developers decided that user didn't need certain things. Others where pissed to, as can be seen in Mate and Cinnamon.

Canonical doesn't really do anything that different from everybody else, but Canonical/Ubuntu seem to have become the favorite punching bag of pretty much everyone.

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