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Comment Re:Who cares? (Score 1) 330

I recently ripped my ~650 CDs to FLAC.
It took a few weeks as I was doing it in the evening and on weekends when I was spending time on my computer anyway.

I used MP3tag and TagScanner (MP3tag can't handle disc numbers, and gets confusing when displaying a big number of files) to make sure the metadata are consistend across all the files.
Yes, I had to spend some time to make sure that's the case, but now that part of my music collection is as I want it to.

If only it was as easy to digitize all my vinyl records...

Comment Re:Uhh, phones != profit... (Score 5, Insightful) 601

Maybe because you want the company, and the android ecosystem as a whole, to thrive?

Actually, since there is more than one Android phone maker, I don't care that much about wether one of them thrives, as long as the ecosystem Android does.

So far all of my smartphones have been made by HTC.
Now, HTC doesn't look very healthy right now.
Still, I care about using an Android phone more than about that phone being made by HTC, so while I hope HTC recovers, it wouldn't hurt me that much if they don't.

That's one of the advantages of an ecosystem vs. a monoculture.

Comment Re:Company doesn't approve of competitor's product (Score 2) 347

Let me tell you how this isn't exactly like the anti-trust situation with Microsoft:
Microsoft Windows had and has a (near) monopoly on the desktop OS market.
Apple does not have a monopoly on the smartphone or tablet market. They are one of the biggest players, but they do have real competition.

You can only be found guily to abuse your monopoly if you have a monopoly.

(It hurts to write this, as I'm as anti-Apple as they come, but I don't like critisizing Apple on false grounds. I leave that to the fanbois.)

Comment Re:OK, stick a fork in them, they're done. NOT! (Score 1) 743

Understanding the written word isn't your strong suit, right?

First, he doesn#t claim that these numbers where measured at the same time (Blackberry: at their peak, Windows: still)

Also, these numbers are in part from different fields (Blackberry: smartphones, Windows: desktop/notebook OS, Samsung: smartphones)

And finally, it seems you made up the number for Samsung.

So: fail

Comment Re:Apple has shown the way for Motorola. (Score 2) 582

I can't see very well in the graphic because the text is hard to read, but it looks like most (if not all) of the pre-iPhone touchscreen phones were mockups and demos. Seems unfair to compare prototypes to production models.

Why do you think that's unfair?
The question is whether Apple was the first one to think of this design.
If others had mockups and demos that where similar, Apple was obviously not the first one.

Comment Re:Bad faith (Score 1) 582

so, because apple is a profitable and successful company, they deserve to get shaken down by patent holders who are skirting the law.

Because Apple has been using patented technology for years they are expected to pay for it.

It's not Motorolas fault if Apple was using patented technology and didn't put some money from the profits on the bank to pay for using these patents later on.

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