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Comment Re:Makes sense (Score 5, Insightful) 272

You think there is only one company by the name of "Lush" in the whole wide world? Or even in America?
Who decides which company gets this nice short URL and which doesn't?

This is usually solved on the first come first served basis, and Google should to the same.
And since this guy was the first and has the right to us his name (he didn't go for "lushcosmetics" nor "whitehousegov") he should keep it.

This decision by Google is stupid and sets a bad precedent.
Not counting the fact that their argument that this can not be reversed is certainly an outright lie.

Comment Re:Less suspect than the others (Score 4, Insightful) 78

Apple does not only sell hardware but also digital goods and ads. And to target said goods and ads they need what? A good profile of the user.

Apple does pretty much the same Google does. But Tim Cook dares to go on stage and pretend they don't. That makes him a liar in my book.

Over the years there were enough cases where we could see that apple does in fact collect data from their users without telling them (and without protecting said data properly).
Apple is neither better or worse than Google in that respect.

And neither of them is very interested in giving the information about their users to third parties. Their advantage in the ad/targeting business is that THEY have the profile of their users and the third parties do not.

Comment Re:Wow?! (Score 1) 401

No. The ruling expressively said that it only applies to this specific case.

And the ruling does NOT say that you have to moderate every post. Only that if you have an option for users to report offensive content and if you are known to moderate comments on your own (as this website did) then you can be expected to do it fast.

Comment Re:15 years in the embassy (Score 1) 262

BS. Given the attention that this whole situation has been given, they can not just disappear Assange. Not anymore.

If the British police put him in a plane and the Swedish police doesn't receive him, that would be a real problem for Sweden.

Also, they can not extradite him anymore silently, but if the US wants him they have to officially ask Sweden and Sweden has to go trough the whole legal process.
The situation is way to public for Sweden to risk being seen cutting corners.

Comment Re:15 years in the embassy (Score 1) 262

This case is kind of returning to medieval practice of keeping people in dungeons.

Nobody keeps Assange in some dungeon.
He was free on bail awaiting trial (or extradition), he could have lived in some spacey condo or whatnot.

But he decided, on his own himself, to run and go to the embassy. (Thereby forfeiting the money of the sponsor who posted bail. Real classy move.)

And even there he is free to leave 'the dungeon' at any time.
It is his decision to stay there.

You implying that the UK government is to blame is ignoring the facts.

Comment Re:Read he article (Score 1) 262

but in a one-night stand, consent should be sought each time.

This is pretty much the view of a prostitute who's charging for each ejaculation.

In real life, consent is rarely explicitly given. When I'm caressing a women, just before penetration I do not ask if I can. As long as she doesn't say "no", I infer she accepts.

Sure, consent is rarely explicitly given. But the other person needs to be in a position to make a decision. They need to be able to voice their objection, if they so desire. Somebody who sleeps can neither consent nor object.

Or let me put it differently: Consent needs to be given explicitly (using words or actions) or implicitly (by being able to object, but not doing so).
But lack of consent because the other person can not make any decision means you're entering rape territory.

In the situation described here the woman awoke before/during sex and did not seem to have voiced any complaint. That fact saves Assange from going to trial for rape: She was in a position to voice complaint and seemingly didn't.

Yes, I know misandrists... I mean feminists, are trying to get all the power they can against men. S

Ugh. What cave did you come out of?

Comment Re:Yay for Belgium (Score 3, Insightful) 72

if the data controller or a third party has a legitimate interest in doing so, as long as this interest does not affect the interests of the data subject, or infringe on his or her fundamental rights, in particular the right to privacy. This provision establishes the need to strike a reasonable balance between the data controllers' business interests and the privacy of data subjects.

First of all: this is a directive (it is more than 2 decades old, and it become -some of its provisions- law in my country Greece just a couple of years ago), plus... read the the part in bold.

Yes, and directives are the basis for national laws, meaning that national laws have to at least reach that level.

Also, please explain to us how Facebooks interest in collecting data from people that are not Facebook members is more legitimate than the interest of said people not having their data collected by a company they have no contractual relationship with?

Comment Re:That's precisely the problem (Score 1) 474

Surely if the admins had evidence that rules were being broken they could just ban the people involved and thereby remove that kind of behaviour from their website?

How should they ban the people?
From what I understand, you can easily create new accounts.
And banning IP addresses can affect both other people who happen to share the same IP and not affect the user targeted because they might easily get a new IP.

Comment Re:What rules to the reddit admins follow? (Score 1) 474

or suing former companies for the exact amount her husband owes for illegal schemes

The claims against her husband seem to be from 2012. She filed the lawsuit against Kleiner Perkins in 2012.
So, you're saying that she knew a year in advance that her husband would need money and filed the lawsuit to get it? Or does she have a time machine? Or what?

Comment Re:The kneejerk anti-Stallman guys are out in forc (Score 1) 216

This is about whether or not proprietary software is clearly identified as such. This is useful for pragmatic reasons, not just ideological..

Now, let's look at this pragmatically:
What do people want when they open the software center? They want to find software (probably do to some specific task).
And they want to know if they can download it for free or if it costs them anything.
The vast majority of people using the software center don't care about licences or source code, as they only want to use the software.

So the pragmatic solution is do make a distinction between free (as in beer) and pay-for software.

Making a distinction between closed source and open source or between limiting and less limiting licences doesn't add anything for the vast majority of users.

Comment Re:Nations fear it, but they fear each other more. (Score 1) 221

[...] a group of insurgents armed with little more than pickup trucks, AKs and insane levels of brutality to actually form a caliphate which Europe officially recognizes as a sovereign nation and trading partner.

Do you have any proof for this statement (that Europe recognizes ISIS)?
If not: Stop spreading such BS.

Comment Re:Well there's the problem... (Score 1) 201

As if there's no public interest in limiting the number of taxis on the road.

No, there is no public interest in inhibiting fair competition. This is about protecting vested private interests, not the public interest.

If everyone who wants to provide a taxi service has to pay the same price for a license, it's fair.
of, on the other hand, somebody would try to enter the market without paying for taxi licenses *cough* Uber *cough* then they would not be competing fairly.

If licenses weren't numbered, the proliferation of taxis would render city streets unnavigable.

Hogwash. The supply would only be high if the demand was high. If there were too many taxis and not enough passengers, then some drivers would go home and take the day off. Free markets don't solve every problem, but they can solve this one.

Nope. The taxi drivers would compete for too few passengers by trying to undercut each other, skimming on costs thus reducing the safety for passengers etc.

Free markets do work practically never on scale, as the ideal conditions necessary for a working free market are never met. There is always some imbalance.

Comment Re:Men's Rights morons (Score 0) 776

Your username would imply you are male. Thus, you literally oppose Men's Rights groups... as a man? That's not unprecedented, as there are women who reject feminism in its many flavors, but by doing so, you're saying that there are no issues at all that men need be concerned about?

I can not talk for GP, only for myself. But you are oversimplifying the situation.

I'm a man. I'm against the mens rights groups that I know of. Not because I believe there are no problems. But because I believe that those mens rights groups I know about do their cause a disservice. Instead of pointing out rationally the existing problems, they pretty much always exaggerate, go off on tangents and generally come about as weirdos and nutters.

This, by the way, is also true for at least some of the more extreme feminists.
But there are not only extreme feminists, but also moderate one. Yet with mens rights activists there doesn't seem to be a middle ground.

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