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Comment Re:Like most governments... (Score -1) 52

Don't pick the wrong targets: there are plenty of government/private drone workers and they have spares. The thing they have not spares for are the aforementioned "big shot" and their family. Target those. All the money in the world cannot bring them back from the dead, and more importantly they cannot buy new heirs to their fortune and power. Once their bloodlines are extinct, it's over for them.

Comment Re:Rewarding the bullies... (Score -1) 798

Actually not. Poison is extremely easy to make with a minimum of knowledge of chemistry. You can make chlorine gas with household supplies, in closed spaces it will cause lethal damage to lungs. Neurotoxins are easy as well and dosage is not a problem, just use enough of it. I've been mixing up poisons since I was 11. You will spend a lot for guns and ammunition, you will have to show papers. Household chemicals are cheap. Equipment to distill toxins from plants is cheap and you can build it at home out of store-bought glassware. Moreover, firearms are messy: once the first shots are fired, most of your targets will flee or hide while poison once absorbed will do its work. Incendiaries are also great, they do way more damage per mass than explosives and are easier to make. The panic will kill more than the fire, and the superheated air will get everywhere and kill people far from the point of origin. Smoke will kill more. Don't pull statements out of your ass, it only shows everybody how stupid you are.

Comment Bring on the Global Warming! (Score -1) 737

The sooner the catastrophes strikes, the better. It will be the long awaited-for reason for social purging and decontamination. We, the beautiful and athletic people will, of course, have the best chances to reproduce and survive while the lower specimens will die out. Nerds in particular will be eradicated quickly enough, and recycled mainly as pig food and fertilizer, although me might decide to dessiccate some of their corpses for use as combustible. The future does not bode well for you, nerdinhos, I'd get out of life before life gets done with you because even if the apocalypse doesn't come, the days you were "protected" by social conventions are coming to an end. ;)

Comment That's right. Teach them... (Score -1) 581

... Something useful instead. Coders are now a dime a dozen, and it's a job easily offshored. The Internet took care of that part. Seriously, how many programmers do you really need? This is not the '80s or '90s when you could make it big, now there's fewer and fewer IT giants and they don't need that many workers. The cloud and outsourcing are killing off IT departments in many companies. Technology is cleaning itself up for good. When in less than a decade Silicon Valley will have become IT's Detroit and all the jobs have been offshored, the tech-heads will have to reinvent themselves, most certainly as street sweeper. Unless robots have taken that role as well, and in that case they will have to reinvent themselves as emaciated corpses.

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