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Submission + - Sherpas Contemplate Strike after Everest Disaster

Hugh Pickens DOT Com writes: Three days have passed since an avalanche killed at least 13 Sherpas as they carried gear for international expedition groups in the worst single-day death toll in the mountain’s history. Now the NYT reports that disappointed at the Nepali government’s offer of 40,000 rupees, or about $408, as compensation for the families of the dead, some Sherpas gathered at Everest’s base camp proposed a “work stoppage” that could disrupt or cancel the 334 expeditions planned for the 2014 climbing season and more than 300 Sherpas have signed a petition to the Nepalese government saying that Everest summit attempts should be suspended this year out of respect for the dead. They also asked the government — which takes in $3.3 million a year in Everest climbing fees alone — to increase work death benefits to $10,000 from the current $400, cover medical costs for injuries sustained while climbing and provide disability benefits. “Sherpas are the backbone of Mount Everest expeditions, but the government neglects them,” says Mingma Sherpa, a mountaineering entrepreneur.

The tension promises to heighten when groups of Sherpas plan to carry the bodies of their dead colleagues through the streets of Katmandu, Nepal’s capital. Members of the ethnic group are the backbone of the Himalayan adventure-tourism industry, where they work as guides, porters and climbers. Many of the international commercial teams still at the base camp are weighing whether to continue their push to the summit or abandon their expeditions. Everest is attracting more climbers each year, most of them members of groups that pay professional Western guides to lead them up the mountain. Clients prepare for months or years, often investing tens of thousands of dollars, and some experts said they would be unlikely to turn around. “I don’t think this is going to slow down the machine, which will escalate through May,” said David Roberts, a climber and the author of several books about climbing. “Even though it is the greatest tragedy in the history of Everest, right now at base camp they are saying, ‘This is a tragedy, but we have paid all this money to get here.’ ”

Comment Because it is not science. (Score 1) 846

It is political partisanship, political agenda, and new cult of Malthusians.

Statements follow:

1.Climate change exists. Of course, it always existed.

2. We live in mid-low ice age.

3. Ice ages are bad for civilisation, Global warming is good for civilisation. While cold, there is no Civ, only war, while warm, there decreases parts of livable land insignificantly, instead, food-producing and otherwise unlivable land increases significantly (Siberia et al.)

4. Whether GW is Anthropogenic is a discussion, but if yes, we need more of it. Humans are doing very good in burning oil during mini-ice age, lest we lapse again to it (and unavoidable wars and scarcity and death that would follow).

5. For politicians, cold, scarcity and death is good, because it leads to wars and strenghtening of holders of political powers.

Comment No, it's actually (Score 0) 457

the fact that the average common denominator for intelligent discussion dropped markedly and measurably in the mentioned span of time.

Now you have to WORK to find a good, intelligent circle, and then work doubly hard to protect it from casuals..

This has to do with the fact that before, only academics and at least computer enthusiasts and hardcore geeks used the internet.

Now, Biff "uses" it too.

Comment Re:Case very much still open (Score 1) 554

> carbohydrates (most of all sugar and wheat) that cause many "Western" diseases

No, it's actually milk, and obscene amounts of saturated fat + calcium.

Point in case, asia. You would find, in most regions, people eat obscene amounts of rice, while still being thin as sticks (Especially Japan, those people eat humungous amounts.. of carbs and lean meat).

Asians do not usually eat any significant amounts of milk or milk products though.

Comment Re:It started with a good idea (Score -1, Troll) 598

The holohoax is a hoax tho.

Jews masterminded the plan to invade present day "israel" you see, and that was their pretext, their base of all propaganda of "jew suffering" (except for all those forgotten people who suffered in hands of jews, but history forgets them).

You truly, really need to get out of where you are hiding, and learn of the ays of the world.

The world is not a nice place, and jews are NOT nice people.

Comment Re:Double Standard (Score 0) 598

"If you want to find out who is your true master, find out who you are not allowed to criticize".

Parasitic jew bankers and their scam to take over the world and rebuild their scamtopia (Jewsrael) is coming to fruition, what with white people being so naive and stupid, so easily influenced by moving pictured (made by jews) and held down by THEIR OWN WOMEN (brainwashed by jews into submission to transient, fake "qualities", conglomerated into so called "feminism").

Yeah, jews are just peachy.

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