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Comment Re:How perfectly appropriate - (Score 1) 341

There's a huge difference between rationally discussing the solution to a problem and ignoring the existence of a problem. Both result in a solution, one by abdicating the ability to affect the outcome.

The sooner the world starts having serious political and social debates about what (if anything) should be done we'll be better off. Until then we're stuck with a lot of finger in ear lalalalalalalalalalalalalala'ing the issues.

Comment Re:Great observational skills (Score 1) 99

Good lord how is this modded insightful, it's the exact opposite of insightful unless what the modders are saying is the learned something about the OP's character.

First off it's another one of these "I know nothing about the topic but am going to belittle the science" posts. Secondly low pressure has nothing to do with it. As the article stated there was no environmental changes (pressure, wind etc) at the nesting site the day before. The theory is the birds are sensitive to the very low frequency rumblings of tornadoes hundreds of miles away the day before the storm front arrived. Granted that's just a theory but nowhere does pressure gradient enter into it.

Comment Re:Lucky for Stripe (Score 1) 353

Why the hell is this flagged as interesting. It's not even vaguely interesting from a logical argument sense. As others have pointed out there's a fundamental difference in *who* you choose to do business with based on race, color, religion etc and *what* you choose to do business with (e.g. gun part manufacturers, clown costume manufacturers, taco distributors).

Comment Re:Whoever injected the senseless fear element... (Score 2) 107

The point of teleporting a virus is to see if you can teleport a (nearly) living organism and have it remain viable. It's the obvious next step after molecule and before bacteria or Donald Trump.

Just because half the world is freaking out over ebola doesn't mean viruses wouldn't be an obvious thing to try or that we should avoid mentioning them.

Comment Non-problem looking for a non-solution (Score 2) 282

The byte-wise difference between a desktop, laptop and server based on the same distro is in the tiny fraction of a percent. It's mostly some minor tuning and chkconfig tweaks. The difference between an optimal desktop and optimal server is in the choice of distro.

Either pick a distro based on some sense of case sensitive optimization or standardize on a distro for supportability (at the cost of optimization). Forking a distro is the worst solution.

Comment Re:Yet another redundant, useless law (Score 3, Informative) 618

Couple of points.

1) EPA has no jurisdiction for mold remediation in your house so there are no regulations about how you can go about cleaning it.
2) The EPA does have a mandate to help you and they did: That's the first hit on googling: EPA mold remediation residential, and clicking 'who should do the cleanup'. They clearly state for less than 10 sq feet do it yourself, don't pay anyone.

You didn't even need to pay the person you eventually paid, let alone the person scamming you. Don't blame the EPA or science for your lack of awareness or ability to spend 20 seconds using google. They did what they should to help you.

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