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Comment Suggestions (Score 1) 238

Many of the Manga guides are good. Biochemistry is the best (http://www.amazon.com/Manga-Guide-Biochemistry-Masaharu-Takemura/dp/1593272766). The statistics one is good too but probably a little beyond most bright 10-year-olds. An interesting math book is Math Girls (http://www.amazon.com/Math-Girls-Hiroshi-Yuki/dp/0983951306) - it sort of has a plot but its more math than story. There are some good kids programming books like Python for Kids ( www.amazon.com/Python-Kids-Playful-Introduction-Programming/dp/1593274076), or Scratch Programming (www.amazon.com/Scratch-Programming-Adventure-Covers-Version/dp/1593275315). Speaking of Scratch, it is really great if you haven't already checked that out (https://scratch.mit.edu/). Its free.

Comment bash not perl (Score 1) 187

I don't like Perl so I wish the catchy put-down of the summary title was accurate, but its not quite right. I think shell scripts are the COBOL of scripting. Perl might be more like B, although I'm not sure there is a great analogy there.

John Carmack Not Enthused About Android Marketplace 163

An anonymous reader writes "During an in-depth and informative interview, Doom creator and id Software co-founder John Carmack opines on iOS game development, the economics of mobile development vs. console development, why mobile games lend themselves to more risk-taking and greater creativity, and finally, why he's not too keen on the Android Marketplace as a money-making machine. '...I'm honestly still a little scared of the support burden and the effort that it's going to take for our products, which are very graphics-intensive.'"

Aquarium Uses Eel Powered Christmas Lights Screenshot-sm 96

A Japanese aquarium is using the greenest energy possible to power the lights on its Christmas tree, an electric eel. From the article: "Each time the eel moves, two aluminum panels gather enough electricity to light up the 2-meter (6 ft 6 in) tall tree, decked out in white, in glowing intermittent flashes."

Comment Check out Sage (Score 1) 283

Sage is an open source platform for mathematics and computation that ties together many C and C++ libraries with Python code. You could browse the project bug and enhancement tracker or the sage-devel google group for some ideas of where to contribute and the project culture. There are a very wide range of things to do. With Sage, and probably most other projects, a very good way to get started is to help improve the documentation. This is not glamorous, but it is effective. It involves you with other people in the project, and gets you familiar with their development practices. Its usually well appreciated since documentation quickly gets out of date on an active project. Writing documentation will suggest some coding projects naturally - to adequately describe a current bug to users, for example, you will have to understand it somewhat, and that might suggest a solution.
United Kingdom

Oxford Expands Library With 153 Miles of Shelves 130

Oxford University's Bodleian Library has purchased a huge £26m warehouse to give a proper home to over 6 million books and 1.2 million maps. The Library has been housing the collection in a salt mine, and plans on transferring the manuscripts over the next year. "The BSF will prove a long-awaited solution to the space problem that has long challenged the Bodleian," said its head librarian Dr Sarah Thomas. "We have been running out of space since the 1970s and the situation has become increasingly desperate in the last few years." The 153 miles of new shelf space will only be enough for the next 20 years however because of the library's historic entitlement to a copy of every volume published in the UK.

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