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Comment Re:Sigh. (Score 1) 175

My grandma has a phone with a single button for making an alarm call. It's straight forwards, easy to use, and promptly forgotten in any emergency situation. Features like these are fine on paper, but unless you call 911/the police often you will forget them in a panic.

If movies and TVs always showed people pressing "the emergency button" instead of "911", then people might use it.

Comment Re:Doom was good... (Score 1) 225

Marathon has a humoristic story going for it, but the gameplay is crud. This while Doom is as fun today as it was in 1993. If not for being a mac exlusive game, and Halo, Marathon would have been quickly forgotten.

Comment Brutal Doom (Score 2) 225

Neat, I'll have to check it out. Wonder if it works with Brutal Doom.

Brutal Doom is possibly the best Doom mod ever. Check out this review.

Had a ton of fun with it. It's not extra levels, instead you play the same old levels with smarter monsters, heavier weapons and extreme brutality. The latter seems silly now, it's all just sprites, but I wonder how that would have been received in 1993.

Comment In 60 KB (Score 2) 21

Another reason for it's awesomeness is that it fits a GUI with Networking in 30KB if RAM and 30KB of ROM.

My mouse driver use more than that.

Comment Middle click can do the same on Firefox (Score 2) 506

Firefox has a IMO more useful shortcut: Middle click with the mouse over the area right next to the rightmost tab will open the last closed tab.

Since I close tabs using the mouse I find it more convenient than reaching for the keyboard.

You can also close tabs with middle click, which is how I discovered the feature.

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