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Terabyte Hard Drive Put To the Test 376

EconolineCrush writes "As a technical milestone, Hitachi's Deskstar 7K1000 hard drive is undeniably impressive. The drive is the first to pack a trillion bytes into a standard 3.5" form factor, and while some may argue the merits of tebi versus tera, that's still an astounding accomplishment. Hitachi also outfitted the drive with 32MB of cache—double what you get with standard desktop drives—making this latest Deskstar a leader in both cache size and total capacity. That looks like a great formula for success on paper, but how does it pan out in the real world? The Tech Report has tested the 7K1000's performance, noise levels, and power consumption against 18 other drives to find out, with surprising results."

Submission + - The Worst Windows Features Ever (

Ed Albro, PC World writes: "Here at PC World, we've got a look in screenshots at 20 of the most egregiously annoying or disfunctional features ever built into a version of Windows. Topics span the years from the Windows 95's DriveSpace, with its unfortunate habit of making your data harder to recover, to some of the display and security excesses of Windows Vista. No. 1 in the Hall of Shame is the security nightmare known as Active X."
Operating Systems

Submission + - Ubuntu 7.04 from torrents full of Trojan Horses

Funny Finder writes: Many of the recent torrent site downloads of the new version of Ubuntu 7.04 have been loaded with well hidden trojan horses. Many are reporting to have found keyloggers and auto ad loaders buried within the new operating system. The totally free of charge operating system as been reported to ask for a donations on every start up. This is something a legitimate copy of Ubuntu will never do. Rest Of The Story
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Microsoft security group makes 'worst jobs' list

maximus1 writes: Microsoft Corp.'s Security Response Center ranks sixth in Popular Science's worst jobs in science, according to this article. Other jobs that made the list? Whale-feces researchers, elephant vasectomist and hazmat divers. Microsoft's response? It's a badge of honor.
Media (Apple)

Submission + - iPhone Review Roundup

wile_e_wonka writes: Engadget put together the available early reviews of Apple's upcoming iPhone.

The verdict: it seems to be a good extremely portable computer (except for the problematic keyboard) and music player, just not a very good phone.

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