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Comment I Hate This (Score 1, Interesting) 81

Money grabbing bastards. If it wasn't for trade-ins and 2nd-hand game sales a lot of people wouldn't be able to afford games and with this mandate, prices of used games would go up and the value of trade-ins would go down. If they want more people buying new games, how about not making them cost £50 a pop for a new next-gen game?

If they want to make money off of used games, sell some worthwhile DLC. By that, I don't mean CliffyB's idea of selling the final boss to 2nd hand buyers, I mean add-ons to the main game. I doubt Harmonix worry about used-game sales of Rock Band because if they love the game, they will buy more songs.

The only way I want to see politics and games interact is with Sarah Palin being blown up in Mercenaries 2.

Comment So what was he *really* standing in front of? (Score 0, Redundant) 622

I don't know if the FA says what it is (restrictive webfilter here) but can we speculate? Russian flag? Area 51? His giant pet wooly mammoths?

It's a good thing that they're not using altered images anymore, but will this go for touched up photos of celebrities and the like? If not, that for me would be a double-standard.
The Courts

Lessig, Zittrain, Barlow To Square Off Against RIAA 288

NewYorkCountryLawyer writes "The RIAA's case in Boston against a 24-year-old grad student, SONY BMG Music v. Tenenbaum, in which Prof. Charles Nesson of Harvard Law School, along with members of his CyberLaw class, are representing the defendant, may shape up as a showdown between the Electronic Frontier and Big Music. The defendant's witness list includes names such as those of Prof. Lawrence Lessig (Author of 'Free Culture'), John Perry Barlow (former songwriter of The Grateful Dead and cofounder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation), Prof. Johan Pouwelse (Scientific Director of P2P-Next), Prof. Jonathan Zittrain (Author of 'The Future of the Internet — And How to Stop It'), Professors Wendy Seltzer, Terry Fisher, and John Palfrey, and others. The RIAA requested, and was granted, an adjournment of the trial, from its previously scheduled December 1st date, to March 30, 2009. (The RIAA lawyers have been asking for adjournments a lot lately, asking for an adjournment in UMG v. Lindor the other day because they were so busy preparing for the Tenenbaum December 1st trial ... I guess when you're running on hot air, you sometimes run out of steam)."

Comment Re:Duplicity: theres already a "utility parition" (Score 1) 332

I'd be surprised if they didn't, especially with a real Halo sequel from them not coming in some time.

Their relationship with the Halo community has been excellent and while I don't forsee them making a patch for HD loading speed improvements, I would be very surprised if there wasn't at least new maps in the future for Halo 3.

Comment Re:Motion Sickness (Score 4, Informative) 73

You can turn on a white dot for the centre of the screen which actually helps with the motion sickness by giving you something to focus on while you play.

On a side note, I'm surprised EA are taking chances with new IP and even gameplay mechanics now. Sure, they have their yearly sports franchises and they have announced that this and Dead Space are going to be trilogies, but it's surprising how EA have brought out some fairly original games instead of generic-army-FPS-2009, forcing Acti-Blizzard to step up to the plate to become the new evil, un-inspired publisher for gamers. As long as you stick to consoles, that is. No DRM here..... This generation.....

Submission + - AVG virus scanner removes critical Windows file (securityandthe.net) 2

secmartin writes: "The popular virus scanner AVG released an update yesterday that caused their software to mark user32.dll as a virus. Since this is a rather critical file, AVG's suggestion to remove this caused problems for users around the world who are now advised to restore the file through the Windows Recovery Console. So far, AVG has yet to post an update about this on their main website, but their forums are full of complaints."

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