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Comment Re:Enfield .303? Wow!! I know these rifles. (Score 4, Interesting) 334

Getting my gun license in a couple months and it is on the list of guns I want. I spent a week up north working with the Canadian Military and a bit with the Rangers and I enjoyed it immensely. They get an allowance to purchase their own equipment. Once out on the tundra they revert to the traditional garb as they found the high-tech stuff doesn't work well.

Comment Re:I was hoping for 1) and 2) (Score 1) 109

Think of it more as a kid moving out of their parent's house at the age of 22 and saying that they still love their parents. The US was more of a 5 year old leaving home against the parents will while flipping them the bird.

Personally I see the CRTC as the same as Quebec's Language Police but on a grander scale: trying to keep Canadian Culture (for whatever that is) alive, when it's pretty much a known fact that culture is a living breathing thing and no matter what you do you can't stop it from evolving.

Comment Re:It's not your phone (Score 2, Insightful) 610

My guess is they went the way they did was that it is a one time modification to the database to mark it as purchased. If a new person comes on they don't get the album free. Setting it to $0 for only existing users would be probably more difficult.
I understand what they did but I think it kind of backfired for them.

Comment Re:Cuba could have lifted it ages ago (Score 1) 540

Canada does trade with Cuba and it is a popular vacation site as it is usually more affordable than other island retreats. Some Canadians go there as it also has a more limited selection of holiday-goers (read between the lines). That said americans are going there by flying up to Canada and then flying out. The Cuban customs won't stamp their passports but will very willingly take their tourist money.

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