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Comment Re:Nuremburg Defense (Score 4, Interesting) 156

You raise a good point here. Traditionally, it's been well-upheld that a search isn't illegal if the person had immunity from anything that the government found. Namely, the remedy for an illegal-search is that the evidence and any further evidence collected solely as a result of that evidence is thrown out and cannot be used against you.

No one was ever charged with a crime as a result of these wiretaps, so there's no remedy to grant.

Like it or not, as one person said, Congress should not be able to absolve a constitutional violation, but they didn't. They absolved a STATUTORY violation, that of wiretapping. Wiretapping is not immediately a constitutional issue.

Comment Re:I was going to say... (Score 3, Interesting) 356

I was going to say B&N Nook Color. Install Cyanogen 7.1 (very easy to do), connectBot, hacker's keyboard, and Opera. The battery life is great, nice screen, dirt cheap. Tether it to your phone for non-wifi connectivity. ..but then I clicked your link for the Transformer Prime. Very nice. Yeah, get that one.

Yeah, I would get a Nook Color if I were going to get a nook. The Nook Tablet is kind of a piece of crap... it's getting "useable", but it's still horrendously put together software-wise. But it is speedy and fast.

I'm actually kind of happy with my Nook Tablet now that I've been beating it with large objects for 3~4 days... but it's still not where I wish it were. Honestly, one should not have to break a product massively in order to make it useful.

The average person might enjoy it, but a geek will struggle in the truly claustrophobic walled garden that they have erected. I actually was crying 30 minutes after opening the package, because it was essentially worthless to me. (Thank god for people having their hands on it a month ahead of me, and doing all the work in rooting it.)

Comment Re:It's not dead, it's fun! (Score 1) 405

You can use heuristics like that. Or you can try the really novel approach of actually testing. On this machine, -j4 to -j8 are about the same speed (although use more RAM, so with C++ stuff that takes 512MB+ per compiler process it can start swapping, which completely kills performance). Any higher numbers and it gets slower. -j4 is the optimum.

Well, naturally, practical testing > heuristics. Being I/O bound is probably less of a big deal anymore anyways. Thanks for letting me know that I might want to update my heuristics.

Comment Re:It's not dead, it's fun! (Score 0) 405

Overclocking my old Cyrix CPUs made a noticeable difference in a lot of games. These days? I just don't care. My laptop has a quad-core 2.2GHz i7. It is insanely fast. Even big compile jobs can run with -j4 and it's still responsive. My tablet has a 1.2GHz dual-core processor, and it's faster than the desktop that my mother uses - why would I bother overclocking it?

I read that the best -jX to run at, is X = 2 * number of cpus (which would now be cores). Something to do with compiling being I/O intensive, so swapping to another task while the previous one is I/O blocked or something like that.

Comment Re:It's not dead, it's fun! (Score 1) 405

Morons with no actual understanding of the language say "could care less." It's just that there's a lot of them.

The tone of the phrase is sarcastic, though. The negation is represented through tone, and voice, rather than being explicit in the wording. But then Grammar Nazis never actually do research into the rationality of their position, they're just driven by knee jerk rote lessons: "double negatives make a positive!"

Comment Re:No (Score 0) 405

You do know that ideal capacitors are lossless components, right?

Yes, and frictionless bearings, and surfaces also do not slow down objects. Guess which of these three items exist in the real world: hint, it's zero.

Comment Re:Hmmm (Score 1) 518

I agreed with most of your writing.

However, China is a big country. There are most than 100 dialects spoken in China.

Ah yes, I have of course fallen into the trap of assuming that Chinese is Mandarin is Chinese. To note though, those 100 "dialects" are actually more mutually intelligible than Swedish/Norwegian/Danish are from each other. But then a language is just a dialect with an army, right? I mean, Moldovia keeps asserting that they speak a different language, when it's immediately clear that it is identical to Romanian... "But we say 'soda' and they say 'pop'!" ... that's hardly even worth calling a "dialect"...

Comment Re:Hmmm (Score 5, Informative) 518

That's what the papers said, we all know in truth he died from rownriness.

You know the joke is that Koreans can say the 'L' sound, it is the Japanese who don't use it in their own language. Like a lot of that film is was supposed to show up the general ignorance of Americans about the world, but I suppose it was a bit too subtle and the joke whooshed over people's heads. Don't feel too bad though, most British people didn't get it either.

For the record, I got the original joke.

Now, in fact, Japanese doesn't use the same sounds as English "l" (lateral alveolar approximant) or "r" (alveolar approximant), but rather something reasonably different from both: a retroflex tap. However, as Japanese uses this to transliterate or approximate the pronunciation of both sounds in English, we tend to hear a discrepancy between both, and usually interpret this as the sound corresponding to an allophone for the other. So, English speakers tend to hear a Japanese person saying "r" instead of what we expect "l", but equally tend to hear a Japanese person saying "l" instead of what we expect "r".

Getting to Korean, they actually only have one phoneme for "l" and "r" as well, but it works differently from how it does in Japanese, in that the two sounds are distinct, but they are just allophones of each other. Thus while a Korean can typically pronounce "lice" just fine, they cannot typically properly pronounce "kilo-", instead using a flap instead of a lateral approximant. Meanwhile they will typically pronounce "rice" as "lice", and "aria" as a flap instead of an approximant.

Finally, Chinese has two phonemes that are interpreted as "l" and "r". The lateral approximant ("l") being typical, but the "r" phoneme corresponding with a voiced retroflex sibilant. English speakers typically interpret the latter as an "r"-ish sound, because it is retroflex, but in Russian, the phoneme is considered a "zh" noise similar to the "s" in "pleasure". This could cause Chinese speakers to approximate the "r" sound with an "l", rather than their voiced retroflex sibilant which orthographically appears closer, but actually shares little in common.

So this "Asians can't pronounce 'l's" has some basis in ... well, I'll call it pseudo-fact. In reality, all the languages disagree a lot about "l"s and "r"s proper, so much so that English's IPA transcription usually renders the alveolar approximant as an alveolar trill; a completely different form of articulation, that neither American English nor British English actually use! There are actually about 11 different forms of articulations (according to the IPA) that correspond to "r"s and "l"s in various languages, and none of the languages precisely agree about how to divide them up properly, because a language usually only ever interprets two phonemes out of all of them, but some as low as one (Japanese and Korean), or some even up to three (Spanish). So, once you start adding up the possible combinations of "what is r?" and "what is l?" you get into pretty murky waters quite quickly.

Comment Re:Is it cost, or painkiller paranoia? (Score 1) 385

, I had my Oxycotin prescription renewed without question, or hassle for about 2 months (at one point, they later switched me to Vicodin, same stuff, just a higher Tylenol to narcotic ratio).

You are thinking of oxycodone, which is a different formulation of hydrocodone. They have about the same strength, but oxycodone is generally more effective at treating pain. Typically if you've become resistant to hydrocodone, you can switch to oxycodone and have better effectiveness for a short period. They metabolize into the same chemicals. Oxycontin is an extended release version of oxycodone, that typically lasts for 24 hours. Its also a much higher dosage than what you find in percocet (5-10mg oxycodone and 325mg tylenol). You can also get vicodin with 5-10mg of hydrocodone and 325-500mg of tylenol.

This clearly looks well researched and knowledgeable about the pharmacology involved. Say, that I'm allergic to morphine (because I am), are oxycodone, and hydrocodone different enough that I wouldn't be allergic to them? Or rather, what I mean is, is there a high or low correlation between allergy to morphine and those two opiates?

Why I ask, is because I know that I am allergic to morphine (was told by doctors, kept them informed, later I had a spider vein inflammation from an injection given only because I was screaming bloody murder, and they decided the risk was worth it (I generally agree with this decision)), yet I have never had an apparent allergic response to any other opiates that I have taken in pill form.

I'm kind of rather clueless, and while I could probably work out an answer, it would take me a long time of study, much longer than I think is really necessary for a "I wonder..."

Comment Re:Is it cost, or painkiller paranoia? (Score 2) 385

Apparently, my mileage varies greatly from others. I had a UTI, and they gave me a narcotic. No questions asked, just "here's a week's supply". And since I had 100% coverage, I didn't even give them any cash. It felt weird getting narcotics for just a signature, but there you go.

Later on, during recovery from some major surgery, I had my Oxycotin prescription renewed without question, or hassle for about 2 months (at one point, they later switched me to Vicodin, same stuff, just a higher Tylenol to narcotic ratio).

Although, I suppose in the surgical instances, no DEA agent is ever going to question why you're giving a patient narcotics after surgery... and then in the first case, I was peeing blood, so... probably no reason to expect to be hassled about that as well. Then of course, none of these three were for chronic pain, but rather for acute pain, that was expected to subside relatively quickly.

Come to think of it, after I had my big motorcycle crash, I think they gave me a short-term supply of narcotics as well, no questions asked. But then again, also not for chronic pain.

Meh, I don't know. I suppose what I'm saying is that I've never had trouble getting any narcotics. In fact, beyond the signing for it, I don't think I've ever had any more hassle getting narcotics than getting any other prescription drug. But then as noted, all of it was short-term, and none of it chronic. Likewise, all of them were well justified pain prescriptions.

Comment Re:Misleading title (Score 4, Interesting) 209

Sounds a lot more sensational when you compare the title's "comet plunges into sun and survives" event vs the actual "comet flew through hot atmosphere of the sun".

Isn't the Sun's atmosphere supposed to be holy freakin' hell hotter than the Sun itself? Me, I'll just say "Way to go, Lovejoy!" (as in "Hunt for Red October").

Cool stuff.

I think it might be something like the Leidenfrost effect. The sun's atmosphere vaporizes comet, and these vaporized comet parts shield the rest of the core from vaporizing. Only, this would have to work with the vapor blocking the radiation heat rather than the convection/conductive heat that the typical Leidenfrost uses. a.k.a. a sort of über-Leidenfrost effect.

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