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Comment Skip the CS Degree, Network Yourself, Know People (Score 1) 433

Skip the CS Degree, Network Yourself, Know People

If you meet people while you are in this position, and they know how awesome you are - you won't have to cram a CS degree on your resume to be filtered by an HR.Auto.Bot.

Keep rocking your position, and make professional contacts. You already are several laps ahead of most other people your age.

Enjoy the good life, and make it better. You don't need to send yourself back to square one.

Comment Get the "CPS Child-Friendly" App... (Score 1) 311

Get the "CPS Child-Friendly" App...

You have to let it have Geo-location rights and rights to either dial out or e-mail out.

It contains a human body-gingerbread outline, and prompts the child to put marks "where daddy or mommy touches me".

It also monitors the child and time left alone with the device. This is tracked to the threshold of Child Abandonment.

Also, it can post to your Facebook page - "I've left my infant child alone for xx hours now!" with a picture of the child from the device camera.

And, the app is COMPLETELY free. It is sponsored in part by Child Protective Services (CPS), Department of Children & Family Services (DCFS), and Department of Social Services" (DSS).

Of course, the App MIGHT potentially have some privacy holes, but hey - the app is targeted for the age group you requested, and it's FREE, so go for it.

Comment The Speed Racer effect hampers documents... (Score 1, Funny) 307

"(in the typing world, five characters defines a word in the typing world, in case you were wondering)."

If you are in the typing world,
and you want to communicate
something in the typing wold,
and you can avoid repeating
items in the typing world,
you would have less time spent
typing about things in the typing world,
and then you would go through documents
really fast as you type then in the typing world.


Comment Refusing Blood-alcohol or Breathalizer - (Score 1) 297

>If you are driving and you refuse a blood-alcohol test on
>the grounds of "self-incrimination", that won't buy you
>much in most states.

"As in many other states, Washington considers driving a privilege, not a right. Every person who applies for and obtains a driver's license in Washington State must agree to submit to a chemical test when placed under arrest for DUI, Physical Control, or Minor DUI. Thus, by the mere act of driving with a license in Washington you have automatically consented to taking such a test. Every state in the country has an implied consent law."

"Refusal to submit to a chemical test will result in a mandatory administrative license revocation by the DOL for at least one year."

Also, refusal to submit can and will be used you in a court of law.

Know your rights. And, know that if you are drinking and driving and impact anyone I know - my right and intention is to pull your stupid spine out and choke you with it.

Comment It's "Survival of the Fit-enough"... (Score 1) 253

It's "Survival of the Fit-enough"... no longer "survival of the fittest".

With medical technology - babies that would have died lived on. They had families of their own. Thus, passing along 'defects'/'evolutions' which would have died out as those babies would not have made it to a reproduction age.

Doomed by our technology which was designed to save us.

Comment "Starting from -infinity, got nothing to lose" (Score 4, Funny) 816

It couldn't get any worse -

Holy Conception for Anakin?

Jedi's who are ruling the muther-phkin galaxy not realizing that one who will "bring balance to the force" would knock them down because at that time - it was out of balance - the GOOD side was winning!

And, Greedo shooting first?

These three things are a quick list to explain why an infant in a diaper scrawling on a wall with their own excrement could form a better Star Wars narrative than Lucas.

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Systems programmers are the high priests of a low cult. -- R.S. Barton
