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Comment Re:Rediculous, but nothing new (Score 1) 251

Because techs can provide targeted and pertinent up-sell suggestions to customers due to being onsite and being able to see exactly what a customer needs. (Full disclosure, I resigned from TWC not to long ago). Hate to beat a dead horse, but a good tech who also understands the sales process and how they can assist in it; is far more valuable to the company (any company), than just a plain tech guy who fixes the issue and moves on.

If you don't up-sell, your competitor will.

Comment Re:Wait... (Score 2) 255

Aside from the questionably stupid|baiting statement, that Palin is smarter than Biden. One word stands out: quitter. She quit because she didn't want the job anymore. If your elected to an office and quit, you should never again consider running for office, much less attempt to offer any sort of discourse. I (and probably many other rational thinking individuals) will never look at you the same way again.

Comment Short-term solution... (Score 1) 673

While I don't agree with the premise per se (it should be gender neutral); I do personally believe there are two types of coders: those who do it for the love and those who do it for the money. Pay enough money (or have the real potential to earn a substantial amount) and people will do it. Where girls / women may not love to code, they do have unique insights which should be cultivated / encouraged; hence, useful in programming.

Comment Re:Gee, so only a year of screaming (Score 1) 387

No, I'm just saying making a blanket statement that the start screen is "god dammed useless" is quite foolish. If he had said, it didn't work for him, hence its the reason why he didn't like it; I could accept that.

Oh and the only time I talk about sheep is when I'm trying to figure out how to cook a new dish.

Comment Re:Gee, so only a year of screaming (Score 3, Insightful) 387

Useless to who? There is this thing called "adapt and overcome" that works wonders. Or to put it another way, just because you (and some others) don't like it does not make it useless. I use it interchangeably with the Windows desktop and my output of work has not changed, thanks.

Comment Privacy vs. Intellectual Property (Score 0) 206

I'm kinda on the fence with this one. On the one hand personal privacy is important and should be defended, however the offending party did use (a) company email and (b) they also own / control the Hotmail / Outlook mail servers. Given the amount of financial loss that could have occurred (yes I realize it might not be that large given it is Windows 8 / 8.1, lol) I'm not entirely certain Microsoft was in the wrong here.

Again, each country's law may vary with respect to privacy, but I can't see that defending one's intellectual property would be (should be) subservient.

Comment Hubris and Pride (Score 5, Insightful) 239

Sometimes I think the biggest weapon against humankind is our inability to admit when we are wrong. An obscene amount of money and time is fucking wasted everyday because we can't man up and admit to being wrong. I understand the need for operational secrecy, but sometimes just saying: "Yeah, I fucked up." Would be a much better approach.

Comment Re:brighter? (Score 1) 376

While yes some of the LED headlights are bright, I welcome them, because then I can see the road itself and other objects more clearly). However, given that it can be painful for some, perhaps we should consider making streetlights brighter, which would reduce the need for the brighter headlights. Being able to see at night is a must and brighter lights allow for that.

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Whatever is not nailed down is mine. Whatever I can pry up is not nailed down. -- Collis P. Huntingdon, railroad tycoon
