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Comment Re:wouldn't that be yelps problem? (Score 2) 168

Reuters reports that nineteen companies caught writing fake reviews on websites such as Yelp, Google Local and CitySearch have been snared in a year-long sting operation by the New York Attorney General and will pay $350,000 in penalties

I don't know how much it cost in man-hours, but 19 * 350 000$ (6 650 000$) is a lot of money. I wouldn't be surprised if they recouped their investment and more...

Comment Re:But (Score 1) 320

5 years moratorium on fracking - True, but eventually, it'll change
Too many senators - Absolutely true. I hope it'll change. The whole population wants it to change
The asbestos mines - True, I hope they shut those mines once and for all. we are being laughed at by the whole world because of that.

Quebec doesn't have three times to population of Alberta

Actually, almost three times yes

First and foremost, we have lots of fresh water which one day will be worth more than gold, we have forests and a lot of mining potential (diamond, nickel, titanium, rare earths) and we do have oil though it's not being exploited yet.

Anyway, as I said, if it's true that we have nothing redeemable, then please, by all means, kick us out of Canada !

Comment Re:But (Score 0) 320

Well, then pay and shut up about it.

You (rest of Canada) bitch about sharing your oil money, why should we give you access to the east for free ?? You can't have it both ways. You either keep us, share the wealth and shut up or lose access to the east and our natural resources. Thank you very much
We won't move to please you. We were there first anyway...

Comment Re:But (Score 3, Interesting) 320

Weird because when french canadians tried to have their own country, the anglos were in the street claiming their love and begging for them to stay a part of Canada. Remember the 1995 referendum ? Yes the one where the liberals cheated... There is nothing we would love more than have our own country. Help us get there at the next referendum and then we can start to love each other again.

Btw, I'm not the anonymous coward and I do not share his views about beating up people...

Comment Re:Fool me once... don't get too comfortable (Score 2) 205

I used to use iGoogle, then they took it from me.
I used to use Google Notebook, then they took it from me.
I used to use Google Reader, then they took it from me.

If it wasn't for that, I'd probably be excited to hear about their new product, but I'm not. Not anymore. I will not use Google Keep especially because I do not want to get used to it so they can take it away from me. I'm done.

So you can count me in that group Aguazul2.

Comment Clone the spouse (Score 1) 350

Clone the spouse of course ! That way, you can get a threesome without the guilt.

What if the cloning process introduced some kind of noise. It could be interesting to keep on cloning the machine itself to see what kind of mutations it would come up with ! Maybe one would come up with the ability to clone 2 times !

Thanks, now I'll be thinking about that all day !

Comment Re:under the DMCA any antivirus software can get s (Score 1) 473

Long ago, I bought Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. Never could play the game until very recently when I found a crack (Actually, two different cracks that I had to mix and match). This is the last time that Ubisoft ever saw my money. They won't fool me twice.

Nowadays, I'm very cautious when I buy a game from Steam. I make sure it's not from Ubisoft and that there are no other DRMs than Steam itself. I even do research elsewhere since the information on Steam is not always thorough. I also search youtube for videos that shows actual gameplay so I don't base my decision on a trailer.

I also decided not to get on the EA Origin bandwagon. I already have a platform; Steam. I don't need another one. So unfortunately, I had to pass up on good games like Battlefield 3 and Mass Effect 3. Oh well, I'll buy them on GOG in a couple of years, if ever.

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