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Comment Re:Children with progeria make results inconclusiv (Score 1) 70

Not necessarily. Think of it this way: Hang two wall clocks, one inside your house, and one outside. They both keep perfect time, but over time, the one outside, battered by wind, sea air, etc... corrodes quicker, the outside beaten all to hell. So, appearance is aged, internals are aged, but both can still keep the same time (up to a point of course) which is akin to what happens to kids with progeria.

Comment Re:None use intel or amd for graphics? (Score 2, Insightful) 187

This is why open source is a stupid idea. With closed source software, people have to PAY you for your WORK. With open source, everyone rips you off and you're left complaining about how they didn't contribute, with no recourse because you were dumb enough to work for free.

Man if I had points, you'd get em. Complaining about doing work (free), that everyone uses, is anathema to open source. Either get on the boat or off - straddling the middle just makes for a good youtube video.

Comment Re:any pub is good pub (Score 5, Insightful) 151

Isnt that one of those sayings people who fucked up say to make themselves feel better? There is plenty of publicity that is horrible to receive, especially when unwanted. Anthony Weiner. You think the publicity he got made good for him imagewise? Pollwise? Granted, the guy was a dick to begin with, who would have voted for him, but the phallusy that all publicity is good, hardly.

Comment Re:Still 32GB barrier (Score 1) 434

Java 8 is still limited to 32-bit array indexes, meaning, e.g. that arrays of doubles are limited to 32GB. Java won't get true 64-bit support until Java 9 in 2016.

32GB should be enough for anybody.

Great reference, if I had the points, I'd mod you up.

Comment Re:Holy Mackerel (Score 1) 195

You just don't get it man!

Why would you not want to be riding a horse instead of upgrading to those fancy metal boxes with radios and seats and large storage space.

Ridiculous! Progress is for all those crazy futurists.

Gimme a plain transistor radio for all my news and entertainment.

Get off my lawn!

Comment Re:What? What happened to 359? (Score 1) 782

You can trust that the next one won't be called "Xbox Two".

After the display I watched, I'd be suprised if there is a next one after the Xbox One. It seems they are playing themselves out the market rather easily. SteamBox and Ouya will most likely provide all the gaming needs we require in the near future, minus the draconian "ALL IN ONE" box bullshit idea. I have a PVR -- TV covered. Do I really need this multimedia center to be vastly overpriced and underpowered versus a 3 year old PC? to play MP3s and Fantasy Football? LOL. No thanks.

Comment Re:The movie is hit and miss (Score 2) 126

This movie is hit and miss. The bottom line for the Blender Foundation is to get people talking about Blender. Nobody really expected their underdog 3d program to be able to produce amazing visual effects. The more of these movies they produce, the more people will be talking about Blender. However, what they could stand to produce are movies that tell a more compelling story. Is it visually compelling? Sure, but Tears of Steel leaves the audience with all sort of questions about what is happening, who the characters are, what is at stake....and we haven't a clue.

Not sure I follow. The story is pretty straightforward. Tom fucked up 40 years earlier and told a machine he was not interested. Flash forward he is trying to amend that past mistake.

I also disagree about story structure. Not everything has to be a formulaic question, research, resolution. Some of the greatest fiction of all time does not answer every burning question. The audience is left to fill in gaps where appropriate. Mystery is still a good thing in storytelling.

Now I will grant that this needed a little more foreground story, but all the thematic elements were there to get a good idea of what and why things were happening.

Comment Re:Good for Whom? (Score 1) 136

You clearly have never read an unedited manuscript. If you had, you'd never suggest anyone with a computer writing a novel and having it published.

So, for the first 5k years writings/books only made it because someone else edited someone else's work? That smacks of elitism and is a pretty poor counterpoint to the above.

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