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Comment Re:Surveillance fatigue? (Score 2) 610

Run for office. Donate. Call your reps. Write to newspaper editors. Encrypt your data and communications. Run a Tor node. Let your friends and family know your views and educate them. Offer to secure their computers. Start/join local protest groups. File FOI requests. Start/fund lawsuits. There are plenty more. My point is that there's always something you can do and being defeatist when the leaks aren't even over yet isn't going to help positive changes come any sooner.

Comment Re:Paddington Post (Score 1) 582

Couldn't agree more, I can't stand HuffPo. I also really dislike the layout with one story on a terrible massacre next to an article on 5 ways you're cooking bacon wrong. I'm also opposed to the aggregation model where they just scoop up other news organization's content and use it to make money. If every site did that, they would cannabalize each other. They need to hire real journalists and go after their own stories.

Comment Re:That explains a lot (Score 5, Insightful) 531

Sure, there are millions of people who are essentially apolitical, don't expect everyone to be up in arms about this. Still, you're misrepresenting the millions more who ARE very concerned. It'll take awhile to filter through party affiliations (many dems are struggling to find a way to spin this, many repubs are loathe to go on the offensive bearing in mind their guys started us on this path) but this is way too big a deal to sweep under the rug and I bet there's a lot more to come out yet.

Comment That explains a lot (Score 5, Interesting) 531

The White House has been unbelievably quiet through all of this. First, Obama "welcomed" a discussion. Then, he got caught lying with "the nobody is reading your emails" line. Then, Clapper got caught lying. I think they're keeping quiet because they have a good idea what is coming next. They can't afford to get caught lying again.

Comment Re:Mistrial? (Score 1) 432

Sounds like a possibility. I, also, ANAL but I remember that the ACLU had a case against the NSA dismissed for lack of standing. IOW, you can't sue because you can't provide a victim of domestic spying. Maybe all it takes is for one lawsuit against the DEA to be successful for the floodgates to open. This latest tsunami of shit reaches far outside of the secretive NSA spooks and into regular law enforcement circles. Hopefully that means we might get a whistleblower or two coming forward.

Comment Re:Don't you think it's a little late now? (Score 5, Insightful) 225

No, I completely disagree. Snowden provided proof of domestic spying and now the story is blowing up big time and going into all sorts of places. The world is waking up to this, now is the time to be indignant. Just because a few people "knew" 15 years ago, it doesn't mean it's old news for the vast majority of people.

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