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Comment Paid registration. (Score 1) 382

I would prefer that all sites offer the option of registering with your real name via a charge to a real credit card, NOT a debit or gift card. The money could go to the site or even to a charity. Then, if I had registered in such a manner, I would have the option of filtering out all non-registered users and even threads proceeding from their comments. It should be easy to click a button to turn the filter on and off, directly within the reading interface.

Then I could block most of the trolls when I want and easily see other comments if I am willing to weed through the trolls.

All sites should have downvoting but also have mechanisms to detect and de-register malicious downvoters, whether working alone or as an organized mob. Unregistered people should not be able to downvote registered people.

Sites should also offer white-lists, both manual and automatic. Only someone with good karma or badges or whatever should be able to vote at all.

I'm seriously thinking of droppping /. And doing all of my forum messaging through StackExchange.

Comment Just make it fully standards compliant... (Score 5, Informative) 426

...and stop trying to take over the internet by adding proprietary extensions to said standards. Stop trying to push MS server or development products by tweaking the browser to work better with said products.

The browser wars are over. MS won the battle but is loosing the war. They need to drop the insurgency and learn to play nice if they want to play at all.

Comment Re: Gettin All Up In Yo Biznis (Score 1) 419

My grandkids will TELL you that they know the difference between games and real life. But then they play-fight a hell of a lot more rough than my brother & I did, partially because they are imitating the characters in their games, as is evidenced by the fact that they quote the games as they are literally kicking each other in the ribs as hard as they can. They compete to see who can make the closest imitation of some attack move while the "victim" endures the pain and risk of injury without complaint because the victims of the attacks in the games aren't really people so they don't / can't complain. Yes, they take turns being non-person punching bags because that is how it works in the games they spend every possible minute playing.

Now these are smart kids, aged 6 & 8, with normal empathy in other situations. But when they start acting out their games in "meat-space" they really do loose perspective and end up going overboard and often hurt one another.

Comment No. YOU'RE doing it wrong. (Score 1) 199

Then you end up with a massive pile of disorganized crap written in a thousand different voices for a thousand different audiences. If a company can't be bothered to hire a good technical writer to create an organized, consistent documentation system then I am not interested in their product. If a FLOSS project can't/won't attract the same, then I figure their product is probably crap too.

If you truly believe your product is good but you won't invest in good documentation, then you are (at the worst) signing your projects death warrant or (at the least) "hiding your light under a bushel" and drastically limiting its success.

Even if a FLOSS project doesn't pay a single developer, if it can't attract a good technical writer then it should hire one if it ever hopes to really be taken seriously. Even if all those developers are just doing it for practice and don't expect to commercialize the project at all, good documentation will cause that project to rise to the top and really help build the professional reputations of those developers.

Comment Re: The larger problem.. (Score 1) 278

It's legal now. Unfortunately, almost none of the real-estate agencies have modernized and there is no real incentive to do so. I used to do some IT consulting work for a real-estate agency so I looked up all the legal stuff and offered to get them all set up. They weren't interested in anything other than nursing along their decrepit old PCs.

Comment Great - If you already HAVE a social network (Score 1) 278

What you aren't taking into account is that it can take years and hundreds of person-hours building up that social network in the first place. If you are new in town, just starting in an industry, or didn't spend four years at Stanford carefully planning who you partied with, then that whole "work your social network" rap is practically worthless.

Submission + - MIT Considers Whether Courses Are Outdated (

jyosim writes: People now buy songs, not albums. They read articles, not newspapers. So why not mix and match learning “modules” rather than lock into 12-week university courses? A committee at MIT exploring the future of the elite school suggested that courses might now be outdated, and recommended creating learning modules that students could mix and match. The report imagines a world in which students can take online courses they assemble themselves from parts they find online: “Much like a playlist on iTunes, a student could pick and choose the elements of a calculus or a biology course offered across the edX platform to meet his or her needs."

Submission + - Russian criminals steal 1.2 billion passwords (

mpicpp writes: Russian criminals have stolen 1.2 billion Internet user names and passwords, amassing what could be the largest collection of stolen digital credentials in history, a respected security firm said Tuesday.

The news was first reported by The New York Times, which cited research from Milwaukee-based Hold Security. The firm didn't reveal the identities of the targeted websites, citing nondisclosure agreements and a desire to prevent existing vulnerabilities from being more widely exploited.

Hold Security founder Alex Holden told CNNMoney that the trove includes credentials gathered from over 420,000 websites — both smaller sites as well as "household names." The criminals didn't breach any major email providers, he said.

Holden said the gang makes its money by sending out spam for bogus products like weight-loss pills, and had apparently amassed its collection of digital credentials for that relatively innocuous purpose.

"It's really not that impactful to the individuals, and that's why they were under the radar for so long," Holden said. "They've ignored financial information almost completely."

Submission + - How a Coalition of Civil Rights Groups Sold Us Out on Net Neutrality (

Crayz9000 writes: From The Nation Institute's reporting fellow Lee Fang comes the disturbing news that

[J]ust before the Federal Communication Commission closed its comment period for its upcoming rule on “network neutrality,” a massive coalition of Asian, Latino and black civil rights groups filed letters arguing that regulators should lay off of Internet Service Providers regarding Title II reclassification and accept FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler’s original plan. In other words, something close to half of the entire civil rights establishment just sold out the Internet.

The civil rights groups letters argue that Title II reclassification of broadband services as a public utility—the only path forward for real net neutrality after a federal court ruling in January—would somehow “harm communities of color.” The groups wrote to the FCC to tell them that “we do not believe that the door to Title II should be opened.” Simply put, these groups, many of which claim to carry the mantle of Martin Luther King Jr., are saying that Comcast and Verizon should be able to create Internet slow lanes and fast lanes, and such a change would magically improve the lives of non-white Americans.

The filings reveal a who’s who of civil rights groups willing to shill on behalf of the telecom industry. One filing lists prominent civil rights groups NAACP, the League of United Latin American Citizens, the Urban League, the National Council on Black Civil Participation and the National Action Network. The other features the Council of Korean Americans, the Japanese American Citizens League, the National Black Farmers Association, the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, OCA, Asian Pacific American Advocates, the National Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce, the Latino Coalition and many more.

He finally concludes that...

Times have changed. Just as Martin Luther King Jr.’s children have embarrassingly descended into fighting bitterly over what’s left of his estate, the civil rights groups formed to advance Dr. King’s legacy seem willing to sell out their own members for a buck.

Comment Listen but don't speak or read. (Score 1) 246

I was the IT manager of a hospital. The HIPAA rules apply. You can't repeat what you hear and you can't read what you weren't supposed to see. Seriously, learn to not even focus your eyes on private information. However, there is nothing wrong with using what you hear to help you make decisions about what you should do, such as leaving a business that is in financial trouble or setting aside some server space for that expansion someone is planning but didn't think to consult with IT about.

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