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Comment The company I worked for survived it (Score 1) 74

I was working for a company that was a division of Conagra Foods at the time. Half the company or the marketing and sales department got hit hard by it. It was funny as only 6 months prior did that half of the company decide to move to Windows NT. That part of the company was down for more than 2 weeks with re-infections.

The Plant operations and engineering services division never noticed it as we were running OS/2 eBusiness Server. We all had a good chuckle out of it. Move to windows, be shut down for 2 weeks. Oh do I long for the reliability of what OS/2 was. Too bad that IBM $#!+ themselves over it.

Comment Re: It's happening elsewhere too (Score 1) 309

In your own words.. doesn't die....

She would call me sounding horrible, would tell me didn't have energy to do anything, not even get up to go pee. Without any drugs, without any ventilator, recovered from what ever it was from the week prior being in an airport where reported deaths from the Wuhan virus were occurring.

That with the fact that every death of unknown reason, that last year would require an autopsy for scientific proof of what caused death, is not done and is being pushed to be labeled as caused by Corona, the fact that the CDC is no longer reporting deaths from influenza(first time in CDC's history), any story that corroborates the White House briefings, is removed from social media websites as a strike against community guidelines, the fact that mainstream media REFUSES to cover the White House briefings then the mainstream media takes out of context what was said and bold face lies about it, there are many videos on YouTube pointing that fact out.

Mainstream media says there is no science to claims that doctors on YouTube are saying this isn't any worse than an influenza outbreak. Actually there is also zero science that says that there is proof that it is worse than influenza as actual deaths with 100% proof are a mystery. It is like science that used to be required if not by law last year has been put on hold. There is no science about anything going on right now and has basically become a religion. And mainstream media is using fear for the people whom can't think for themselves to believe this religion that they are pushing.

Sweden is a county that isn't doing all this fearmongering and isn't forcing people to stay indoors and ruin their economy. There is no bigger spike in deaths in Sweden than any other country. You would think that deaths would far surpass the USA... Nope, USA by far is the leader.

I live in the Atlanta Georgia metro area and people here have almost returned to normal. Rush hour traffic has returned, grocery stores and now full of people and nobody is wearing masks or social distancing, people are in parks, last Saturday April 25th there was an impromptu concert by some musicians in 10th street park, a small community park and there were probably more than 1,000 people there, no social distancing going on there. I just happened to drive by there and wondered what was going on. Bowling alleys are now considered essential business and are now open in Georgia, no social distancing going on in there either. Several restaurants in Georgia have opened their doors to inside seating. Most people here don't believe the doom and gloom that is being forced on us by mainstream media and our death count remains low even with the group in unrelated deaths that might have been linked in some very unrelated way to Corona virus.

Monday April 20th, my own mother went into Northside Hospital to have two cancerous polyps removed from her large intestine, my mom is 83, and although the hospital would not let visitors in the building, the parking lot ( ) was empty. My older sister and I sat in the parking lot from 6pm till almost mid-night waiting to hear when my mother made it out of surgery. Nobody came in or out of the hospital, no ambulances arrived... nothing in that 6 hour time period.

I ride past Northside Hospital in Duluth on a daily basis... and their parking lot is VOID of cars like the hospital has shut down.

I have spoken to friends of mine that I have worked with in the past and some of the companies they work for have opened office space on a voluntary basis. If my company opened its office space, I would be going into the office every day too.

Okay, start spewing your vitriol of how much you believe in the mainstream media's religion.

Comment Re: It's happening elsewhere too (Score 2) 309

My own daughter flew to Seattle WA January 4th 2020 to visit friends and then flew home January 12th 2020. She is 26.

The following weekend she felt horribly bad and went to the doctor. She was told she had the flu. She was down for 8 days and she told me it was the worst ever sickness she has ever had. She and I believe it was now Corona Virus. But she isn't counted as surviving it because it was well before the mass hysteria about it started.

Comment Re:I'd rather they didn't (Score 1) 110

As someone that has been hit by a vehicle and sent to the hospital 4 times in the last 5 years, how about you get some education about bicycle law and don't endanger the lives of bicycle riders.

Where I live it is ILLEGAL for anyone over the age of 12 to ride a bicycle on the sidewalk. That mean EVERYONE 12 and older is required BY LAW to ride on the road.

About once every 2 months I get someone intentionally trying to run me off the road. 2 or 3 times a month I get someone screaming at me to "Get the F' on the side walk". About once a week I get someone throwing trash from their vehicle, mostly plastic bottles at me for riding on "THEIR" road... This guy got lucky and hit me square in the nose.

Until you get the stupid uneducated drivers off the road, bicycle riding will be a hazard to everyone.

Comment Distance is all in your mind... (Score 1) 110

I go out of my way to take the long way to work... And even the longer way on the ride home...

As for bitter cold.... 27F... To work 13.3 miles

Super Hot... 97F... From work 18.9 miles

In the rain... although I took the shortest way home 9.3 miles.

If you want to commute by bicycle, there is nothing stopping you. I own 5 cars, one Ford mini-van and 1 Honda CBR 600 motorcycle. I prefer a bicycle.

Comment Re:Michigan Bike law... (Score 1) 95

Sidewalk Riding

Texas does not have a statewide statute that specifically authorizes or prohibits the operation of a bicycle upon a sidewalk. Sidewalk riding is prohibited by local ordinance in some areas. Examples of areas of prohibited sidewalk riding include the campus of the University of Texas at Austin, Austin’s business districts, and Corpus Christi.

Texas bicycle law

Comment Michigan Bike law... (Score 2) 95

Where to Ride
Bicycles are to ride as close as practicable and safe to the right hand curb or edge of the road. However, there are a number of exceptions to this rule, which include:
(1) when passing another bicycle or vehicle traveling in the same direction;
(2) when preparing to make a left turn;
(3) when conditions make the right edge of the road unsafe due to conditions such as debris, drain openings, uneven road surfaces, pedestrians, animals, or other obstacles;
(4) when the lane is too narrow to permit a vehicle to safely overtake or pass a bicycle; (5) when the right lane is used for right turns and the cyclist intends to proceed straight through the intersection.

On one-way roads bicyclists may ride as close as practicable to the left curb or edge of the roadway.

Sidewalk riding is generally permitted but bicyclists riding on a sidewalk must yield the right of way to pedestrians and must give an audible signal before passing. Some municipalities, however, ban sidewalk riding in retail or high congestion areas

Michigan Bike Law

Comment Re:It wasn't false (Score 2) 417

He has dementia. My mom is 83 and she has dementia. She does the same things that Biden is doing.

I had a bad childhood stutter too. I hated it. I hated it so bad I would lock myself in a closet and try to read as fast as I could out loud with out stuttering. It took several years to over come. My brain has to think faster than I can talk for me not to stutter. I have to hear in my brain how the word sounds before I can say it. I haven't stuttered since I was 12 or 13. It partially came back when I started to learn to speak Spanish 10 years ago.

The funny thing is the stutter comes back when I am drunk... you never get cured from the stutter, your brain just overcomes the problem. What Biden does has nothing to do with a stutter no matter how much you want to tell yourself that it does.

It is dementia and I hope I never get it, even though it runs in our family.

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