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Comment Re:Check the range (Score 1) 208

The place the electric plane suffers is turnaround. If that plane that has 455 miles of range only carries enough fuel for 100 miles of range then it will be more efficient carrying less weight and get there faster because more of the power will be used for going forward instead of keeping the plane up. When the plane lands it can be refueled ready to make the return trip in about five minutes. You can probably make many more round trips per day with one avgas powered plan than with an electric plane.

Comment Re:Strange (Score 5, Insightful) 218

It has always aggravated me that corruption by public officials does not carry stiffer penalties. A public official who shapes public policy to benefit a donor has essentially sold something they don't own and personally gained from that sale. Prison time and substantial forfeiture of personal assets should be a minimum.

Comment Re:I have a better idea (Score 1) 87

Don't transmit location data to Google even when you explicitly disable it.

As much as I would like to do this, I live in Houston and drive with Google maps on at all times. I have lost track of the number of times it has re-routed me around an accident or other congestion delay and saved 45 minutes or more of drive time. It kind of needs my location for that to work.

Comment Re:Correct me if I'm wrong but... (Score 1) 291

This is one of the nice things about using an avgas powered plane. You only put enough fuel on board to make your destination plus alternate plus reserve, thereby saving the weight of the unneeded fuel. Less weight = more distance. In a battery powered plane it must carry the equivalent weight penalty of a full fuel load at all times.

Comment Re:How can there be no change in mass? (Score 1) 291

If the electricity was generated by solar, then the mass was lost on the sun.


If the electricity in the battery was created by burning coal, then the mass was lost when the coal burned.

No. Before coal is burned, it is a mass made up of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, sulfur and other trace elements. Combined with oxygen these elements are rearranged into other molecules like CO2, H2O, SO2, etc. No mass is "lost", it is transformed and energy is released in the reorganization process.

Comment Re:Correct me if I'm wrong but... (Score 1) 291

Another major challenge is refueling. When I fly a C182 cross country I can land at a midpoint airport to visit the bathroom and get food and the plane can be refueled by the time I am done. I can be back in the air for the second leg of my trip in very short order. I fail to see how this would be possible in an electric airplane unless battery packs will be replaceable modules that can be swapped out.

Comment By what standard? (Score -1, Flamebait) 245

By what standard are the Himalayas "worse?" In a universe with constantly fluctuating conditions, who is to say what is "normal" or "correct?" It could be that the current situation has too much snow and ice and the "base" condition is less, in which case we are simply regressing to the norm.

While there is little question that things are changing, "worse" implies a value judgement where no standard of measurement exists.

Comment Re:Human also love Denalism (Score 1) 576

Chernobyl happened 32 years ago and the extent of the damage is directly attributable to the corner cutting prevalent in Soviet design that emphasized cost reductions over safety. For good reason, only the Soviets (no longer a country, btw) used this design. Fukushima was a problem only because the people who live in a country with a known history of tsunamis failed to plan for a tsunami. The reactor shut down exactly as intended, only the fact that the pumps were underground and stopped working when flooded caused it to become an accident. If two weak examples are the extent of your case against nuclear power you need more facts.

Nuclear power has no competition in the production of consistent, carbon free electricity generation at the levels necessary to meet base needs.

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