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Comment Re:Trying to patent the power LED, Vizio? (Score 2) 77

Soon, that will not be the customers choice anymore. The TVs will come with mandatory LTE modems, some lines in the warranty about how this is this is TVAAS, and if you don't like it, don't buy the TV. You are looking for a set WITHOUT that feature? Yeah we got those, too. only up to 32 inches and in 720p, though.

Comment Re: Never (Score 2) 77

At least with samsung, i read somewhere that the TV connects automatically to an open AP if available to sneak out data.

After the "insert ads into kodi/roku movies" and "oh btw our camera in the tv ALWAYS looks" and "don't mention passwords in front of the TV because we might record" bullshit i wouldn't put it above those scummy TV makers to just insert an LTE modem in the TV to enable it phoning home in any case.

The only way to dodge this shit is to buy a public display, but those easily go for 4 times the price with lesser display tech.

Comment Leaked pilot (Score 1) 441

There's a leaked pilot for BBT floating out there. The setup was somehow way better relationship wise and not as much a caricature as the final product.

The actual series had up until season 4 or so a few things going for classic nerddoms: you could spot cool stuff in their cupboards (an idea taken from the IT Guys), the running gag often was nerdy (sheldon not getting over the girl beating him at halo) and such. Also, they had regular visits from different nerddoms (Summer Glau, Geaorge Black, that star trek kid and so on). This took more and more a backseat to relationship-soap opera stuff which made me quit.

Silicon Valley might not be very precise with its technical details, but it feels way more nerd-relateable than BBT to me.

Comment Re:With Windows you can't tell (Score 1) 521

Weirdly enough, i never had problems yanking USB from windows machines (from xp onwards - before you only needed to look at the screen angry to make the computer crash). OSX on the other hand managed to wreck quite a few sticks so i had to reformat them. (This is 3 years back though when i had to support Apple in our company, might be fixed by now.)

Comment Re: I'm not convinced. (Score 1) 132

Big pharma is a second player in this "let's kill off vaping" scheme.
Vaping came along and had a massively higher success rate than patches, gums, whathaveyou. But big pharma is really allergic to solutions for medical problems, it only wants to "manage" problems. So it went all "cancerous" this, "exploding faces" that and vaping being a gateway drug to smoking (lol). But please, buy our (not really working) patches and gums!

Comment Re: Redistribution of Sex (Score 1) 303

I have been in that situation. I tried to report, and was laughed at from every station along the way until i gave up in frustration. Statements like "man up", "just ignore it", "what do you want, she's a good looking one?" were given along the way. I can fully understand why victims of assault don't report, because the shame that gets heaped on you is astounding.

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