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Comment Re:2017 (Score 1) 222

Robocop was worse.

Manchurian Candidate was worse.

Total Recall was hideously worse.

Everyone hated the Star Wars prequels, but as these things go (and as beloved as Star Wars was), they really weren't THAT bad.

Not holding out much hope for this.

Comment Re:About time... (Score 1) 158

JavaScript is definitely the worst. AngularJS usually takes more lines of code to integrate than if you had just written it yourself in JQuery. And it doesn't scale worth a crap where the JQuery scales great.

Comment Re:It's all about short term, narrow minded thinki (Score 2) 270

Anyone that WOULD stand up to this must have a strong core belief system that won't be swayed by earthly gains (a fundamentalist Christian, for example, or a strong environmentalist/humanitarian). But such a person would never be voted for by the public, because their strong beilefs would instantly disqualify them to voters of the other party. People with strong convictions will absolutely lose a presidential election.

Comment Re:Companies ask for it (Score 1) 186

I don't know a single developer personally who is in favor of software patents. Copyright, yes, but patents, no. In fact, at a previous company the lawyers came to us and offered us $2500 bonuses for any software we submitted which ended up with a patent. Not a single developer submitted one, because they go against our core beliefs so strongly.

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The next person to mention spaghetti stacks to me is going to have his head knocked off. -- Bill Conrad
