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Comment Re:Fine, shut them down, but... (Score 1) 204

The government doesn't have any interest in you. It is like that abusive relationship with your toxic ex, that for some strange reason, you want to get back. Basically, you pay the government money, and they give a portion of it back in the form of services. The problem is that this replaces mutual aid societies, friendships, family, and having your own savings for emergencies. Basically, you are not getting more out than what you put into it. It is because I have a deep empathy for other people that I know we need to scale back the government.

Comment Re:The NYPD's secrecy worked against it. (Score 1) 102

Yeah, they could just put the robot dog in a police car, and then you can't even see it, so you don't even know it is a robot, it is only when it comes out then you know what it actually is. I think people realize we are really not that far away from all robotic cops. That is what happened to me, I actually thought all the cops were robots and it scared the hell out of me. So in hell world, we are all robots running proprietary software on hardware controlled by the government, but we are the spirits of dead people, so yeah, it is really hellish. You get a license like a drivers license to walk around. It is some sort of limbo and people try to stay "alive" (not like you really are) until your parts wear out that you can't get replacements for and then you "die."

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