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Comment Michael Medved (Score 2) 51

Bruce needs to try to get on Michael Medved's Radio Talk Show.

Medved is a conservative talk-show host and he has voiced the "if you don't have anything to hide ..." opinion on the air. However, he is particularly open to opposing opinions and he is very polite to his guests. He often has authors on his show (particularly if they have viewpoints that differ from his).

This would be good publicity for the book, informative for the listeners, and I'd be surprised if Medved wouldn't welcome Bruce to his show.

Comment Re:ABOUT FUCKING TIME! (Score 2, Insightful) 765

Doug, Ian, and Robert are standing next to a cliff. Doug says "let's jump!"

Robert says "No!!" and lists all the bad things that could happen. Doug yells at Robert "You're just a Contrarian! Besides, I got the idea from your Uncle Mitt!" Robert retorts "Sure, but that was just jumping off of a sand pile. Also, I never liked that idea, none of my other relatives liked that idea, and none of my friends liked that idea. And I dislike this idea even more!"

Ian mumbles "I don't know. I want to think about it."

"Too late!" screams Doug, while grabbing Ian and Robert and jumping.

As they lie in a broken heap at the bottom of the cliff, Doug stumbles to his feet, having used Ian and Robert to break his fall, and points at them "Remember, we all wanted to do this!"

Comment Shocker: ABC News tries to cover for Hillary (Score 1) 538

ABC News went into full panic mode today and tried to cover for Hillary by finding Republicans that might be guilty of the same thing. They quickly put together a story about a Republican Representative who had a gmail account on his business card


Mission Accomplished - except for the embarrasing fact the Congress is not subject to FOIA/archive laws.


Comment Proper response - attack Scott Walker (Score 1) 538

After the story broke, several pundits commented that the media will drop the Hillary story as quickly as possible and start digging into Scott Walker's email usage. Sure enough, the first article has appeared. Walker "blurred the lines" while in county government: http://m.jsonline.com/news/sta....

Comment Re:Politics aside for a moment. (Score 5, Insightful) 538

What does this have to do with Benghazi? If anything there's a major difference in that Clinton actually did something wrong in this one.

Well, we don't actually know that, do we? And that was the whole point of her conducting her job via personal email. She can completely cover her trail on any and all issues. Her staff combed through her email and only released the completely innocuous emails into official channels. She adopted this strategy, undoubtedly, because of her Presidential aspirations.

It really speaks volumes about her character (or lack of it).

Comment Future of Physics (Score 1) 210

I very much enjoyed "A New Kind of Science" -- thank you. Despite the criticisms (in some cases fair), it is an astounding achievement. In it, you write that you believe that the methods developed in your book could lead to a fundamental theory of the Universe. Has your opinion on this subject changed and has there been any progress (of which you're aware) along these lines?

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