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Comment Re:You'll want either AT&T or T-Mobile. (Score 3, Informative) 146

Prepaid service in Canada sucks ass.

Depends on your needs. In Canada I tend to go with Koodo mobile; pay $15 for the month as a base charge, then buy however much data or voice I'll need. I conserve my data usage so 1 gig of 4G data can cost me for 4-5 months. And both data and voice with them are "Canada wide", so no roaming or long distance charges, plus they never expire. I had my phone with them for a full year, and on average it's cost me about $25 / month, total.

In the US, on the other hand, I tend to shell out the $60 per month so I can have unlimited data and calling. Unfortunately you're right about Canada not really having any decent offerings for "unlimited use".

I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think Chat-R offers a nano sim, so if you have an iPhone 5/5S/5C or an HTC One M* you're SOL as well,

You can walk into any cellphone repair shop and have them punch your existing sim to a nano.

Comment Re:Who uses Perl anymore? (Score 1) 192

The next time someone asks "What good is Perl anymore?" or "Who actually uses Perl?" or "Why use Perl?" you can point them to this article. Perl is perfect for this type of quick development.

Kinda. But he could just as easily have written it as a VB Script. More easily, actually, since he was working on windows and ended up having to write Excel VBA for it later anyway.

Comment Re:Chicago Blackhawks too? (Score 0) 646

I can tell you I wouldn't switch. I seriously doubt they would either.

Depends ... if I make a switch to black, do I get reborn with a 12 inch dick?

The woman thing sounds tempting too ... I'm kinda tired of having to pay for my own drinks and meals. I think in your hypothetical scenario I'd like to be reborn as a black woman with a 12 inch dick.

Comment Re:Tesla's Mars Mission (Score 1) 455

Colonial Mars expands to other planets with the Utopian political system essentially consisting of a Technocracy [wikipedia.org]. Greed and religion are outlawed punishable by death. No person is in charge. Robots are programmed to rule.

So ... Mars becomes the USSR?

Talk about the Red Planet ....

Comment Re:And hippies will protest it (Score 1) 396

The same reason you shouldn't put next week's gas money into fusion energy research. Some problems are more immediate than others. We definitely do need to put more money into geo-engineering research but in the short term he have to cut fossil carbon use, or its going to hurt us in a way that will make it harder to do that geo-engineering research.

Except there is no "short term" here. Anything we do to reduce CO2 levels isn't going to make a measurable difference any time soon. It's going to take decades - at the very least - before we see any meaningful effect. More likely we'll never see any effect from it at all, given the pace at which India and China are making up for our reductions. So no matter how you look at it, it makes far more sense to look for other ways to control climate.

Launching sulphur into the atmosphere or other plans of reducing sunlight (I've also heard of using large clouds of particles in space) are just a band-aid that only addresses one aspect of CO2's effects. It does nothing about ocean acidification for starters, and will have many side-effects that reducing atmospheric CO2 wouldn't.

And reducing CO2 is just a bandaid solution because it doesn't address the natural cycles of warming and cooling. I would rather have a "bandaid" which covers many contingencies than one which covers only one specific hole.

Right now we sequester, if the planet starts to get too cold later we can burn the sequestered carbon to raise the temperature again.

That might make sense if you could sequester it in a "burnable" form. We can't do that without consuming more energy than we produced in the fist place. For that plan to be at all feasible we would have to develop a way to produce essentially limitless extremely cheap energy, at which point sequestration becomes somewhat of a moot issue anyway.

It's also a crappy way of going about it - the response curve to carbon is just too slow. I don't think anyone wants to live through 40 years of cooling, hoping that the trend will reverse before the temperature drops low enough for crop failures to cause mass starvation.

Lastly, think about the scale of what you're proposing. Sequester all the carbon which our entire species has produced over the last 100 years, then burn it all again as quickly as possible if an ice-age comes along. Do you have any idea how massive of an undertaking just the first part would be? You may as well scrap all other industry - this project will keep us all employed for decades to come. Better find lots of money trees to fund it all.

Comment Re:And hippies will protest it (Score 1) 396

First, you say he knowingly planted Mansanto seed, then you say he found some seeds that were Roundup resistant. Which is it?

Both, obviously. Why the false dichotomy?

Because surreptitiously finding Roundup resistant seed is quite a far cry from knowingly harvesting and planting Mansanto seed.

Well sure, you could make the argument that he was an idiot, and the only farmer around who didn't realize that only Monsanto seeds were roundup resistant. That would be a bit like claiming that you found a really cool plant growing in your back yard, discovered that it was really fun to smoke, and then sold it to all of your friends ... but "I swear, officer, I didn't know it was Marijuana".

Unfortunately, Percy's defence was even stupider than that. He didn't bother trying to play innocent; instead he just said "Screw you Monsanto - I found your seeds on my land, so they're mine to do with as I please".

The courts disagreed.

Comment Re:And hippies will protest it (Score 1) 396

You're right, but we have no means of cheating CO2 levels now and there is very unlikely to be in the future, so what can we do but reduce atmospheric CO2 to geo-engineer ourselves the climate we want?

There have been some interesting suggestions, involving things such as releasing sulphur (or something similar, I don't remember exactly) into the upper atmosphere to reflect more sunlight before it reaches us. I've read of a few different approaches, all of which are mostly theoretical at this point.

I'm not saying there are any sure-fire ways to stop global warming without reducing CO2 output. And I'm all for reducing it wherever practical. What I'm saying is that we need to put more effort (read "money") into researching Geo-engineering. Some of our current ideas will likely turn out to be wrong. Maybe all of them will. But failing is a big part of the scientific process, and we won't learn anything unless we try. Instead of spending billions buying carbon credits, why not put billions into Geo-engineering research?

Comment Re:And hippies will protest it (Score 1) 396

Poor people are fact because they CANT eat properly. I suggest you look at the price of real unprocessed meat and veggies as well as hole grain breads.

You're making a very simple - and very common mistake; "eating healthy" has absolutely nothing to do with weight control. Sure a "whole wheat" bread may give you more nutrients than bleached white Wonderbread, but nutrients don't cause either weight gain or weight loss.

As far as weight loss/gain is concerned, eating 1,500 calories worth of "processed" food is the same as eating 1,500 calories of your home-made tree-hugging fully-organic vaccine-free health-juice.

Comment Re:And hippies will protest it (Score 1) 396

This is a far cry from claiming it's never happened, which they simply can't do, because it has [wordpress.com]. And they won.

No, they haven't. If you were at all familiar with the Schmeiser case you would know that he intentionally planted Monsanto seed. He never even denied it - not in court anyway. In interviews he tries to twist the story to hide the pertinent details, and his supports outright lie about what happened, but the court proceedings tell the real story - he found some plants which were resistant to Roundup, he kept their seeds, and he intentionally planted a crop which was Roundup resistant.

So tell me again how that's a far cry from claiming it never happened?

Comment Re:And hippies will protest it (Score 1) 396

"Global warming" is not a binary condition, it will only be as bad as we allow it to be.

That's nonsense. Sure, if we're willing to make huge sacrifices, AND if we can convince the rest of the world to do the same, we could drastically reduce our output of greenhouse gasses. Even that is a pipe-dream, but ok, it's technically doable.

What we can't do is regulate solar output and the natural variations in the earths climate. Not by just limiting our pollution, anyway. So even if we miraculously stop the current cycle of warming, we'll be screwed as soon as mamma nature decides to turn up (or down) the heat.

That's why the real solution we need to be looking at is Geo-engineering. We need a reliable means of modifying our climate so we can deal with ANY change that we don't like. After all, natural global warming isn't any better than man-made global warming.

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