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Comment Re:stupid (Score 1) 558

As a moderator on a Popular Australian bonsai website, Without captcha we wod be screwed. the amount of spam whil having it on is bad enough, We had it turned off for a while and got hammered!

We actually use multiple methods, and we still get spam!

the only answer would be to shoot every spammer!

Comment Re:Disabling Antialiasing (Score 1) 114

thanks, I have just tried that and found that if I set the Default font to DejaVu Sans, with Hinting to full and Antialiasing to none that it is quite OK.
Only problem now is that Firefox and Thunderbird ignore these font settings :-(

Wonder why that is the case on Linux, but they honor the font settings under windows?

Comment Disabling Antialiasing (Score 1) 114

Can some one provide info on how to disable Anitaliasing fonts on Mint ( or any other Gnome UI )
Forget the invitable comments that liased font look better and provide a better user experience. For mae and many others, they just look Fuzzy and give me a headace after about 30 minutes of use

I support windows 7 for work and to turn off all antialiasing, it is one check box. If I do not do this at the first boot on Win7 / 2008 install, byt the time the install has completed I have a headache for the rest of the day.

Same applies to recent Mint / Ubuntu

Comment About bloody time! (Score 1) 259

This sort of Sh*%t has been going on far too long and is not only limited to software! Music, Video, Ipads and even to clothes and Shoes. Motorcycle parts anyone? How come I can buy a pair of Nike runners online in the US, and have them shipped here for 1/2 the price I can buy in the store here? they are made in Asia anyway, shipping costs should be the same Same applies to just about everything imported, Can buy online in the US cheaper than here.

Comment Re:So if everyone knows the time to avoid (Score 1) 79

As I travel in Sydney traffic every day after 7 am till 9:30. just about every road into an out of the city does a great approximation of a Carpark so real easy to work out ravel times Afternoon peak starts at 4:30 and stays till about 6:30 pm I assume the difference is that the evening traffic Spreads out into secondary roads, where the moring in just funnelled all into the city

New Linux Petabyte-Scale Distributed File System 132

An anonymous reader writes "A recent addition to Linux's impressive selection of file systems is Ceph, a distributed file system that incorporates replication and fault tolerance while maintaining POSIX compatibility. Explore the architecture of Ceph and learn how it provides fault tolerance and simplifies the management of massive amounts of data."

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