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Comment Re:As someone who doesn’t drink (Score 1) 138

Last time I checked, not wearing a seatbelt didn't cause your car to fail to even start based on weird detection systems that sound like they'll have plenty of false positives. If an airbag is non functional it just shows an indicator and won't pass inspection. ABS can still be turned off.

The average age of a car on the road in the USA is 12 years old. Do you actually think that they will be required to repair this mess of weird sensors for that long? And realistically it should be even longer since that is the average age.

Comment Re:Mixed bag (Score 1) 125

I actually try to avoid anything they make that is consumer facing. Its constant churn and death there and with no big corporate users ready to scream when the rug is pulled there is nothing to stop it.

The UI element thing is horrible. I have a theory that the PMs use the telemetry data to identify which features in the OS people are using. They then destroy these features with redesign because they are being used so much. They probably figure if people like that area they can put their stamp on it and get good numbers. In this way they can most efficiently destroy usability because every time users try to escape the telemetry homing beacon finds their refuge.

Comment Re:Something like this should be a crime. (Score 1) 148

Or you can just turn the drying option off? That's what I do, since its not like I'm in a big hurry to unload the dishwasher (I don't enjoy unloading uncomfortably hot utensils) and it would often just melt things. If I could buy a dishwasher lacking this option I would.

I hand washed dishes for years. It took me a lot of time and used a ton of water. Water I paid to heat. If I did is really quickly then the dishes weren't clean. I also slopped water all over the place but that's probably a personal problem.

Comment Re:How did we get here (Score 1) 88

As near as I can tell Verizon wanted to compete with other Internet giants like Google and Facebook. Obviously they couldn't just buy those companies. So they looked around and saw there were several dead companies that were similar available. And then they stitched those corpses together into a horrific flesh golem.

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