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Comment Re:Things that make you go hmmm (Score 1) 3

Yeah, I'm dissapointed no one has brought up the current affair of Twitters development and support.
Because it seems like an absolute NIGHTMARE for anyone still remaining.

When a team with "core" in their name goes from 100 strong to 4, all the confluence pages in the world won't help you.
And I can't imagine the hell of being put in charge of site support without a proper tap to the one who understands the code.

What a wasted opportunity for relevant and irrelevant anecdotes and horror stories.

Submission + - Musk suggests bankruptcy for Twitter is a possibility ( 3

quonset writes: As Elon Musk attempts to impose his will on Twitter, the problems keep piling up. First he fired a ton of staff, then asked many to come back. Next, he announced that all workers must work from the office at least 40 hours per week. As a result, several senior members of Twitter's privacy and security teams left the company while offering ominous warnings of the trouble Musk is getting the company into. Now comes word Musk has said Twitter might have to declare bankruptcy as more and more advertisers stop buying ad space because of the hate-filled screeds Musk has allowed to permeate Twitter. From the story:

At the meeting on Thursday, Mr. Musk warned employees that Twitter did not have the necessary cash to survive, said seven people familiar with the meeting who spoke on the condition of anonymity. The social media company was running a negative cash flow of several billion dollars, Mr. Musk added, without specifying if that was an annual figure. He mentioned bankruptcy.

Mr. Musk added that he had recently sold Tesla stock to “save” Twitter. He has sold nearly $4 billion in Tesla shares recently, according to regulatory filings this week.

Even so, Mr. Musk said Twitter remained over-staffed after mass layoffs of half of the company’s 7,500 employees last week. Remaining workers needed to be more “hard core,” Mr. Musk said.

His statements echoed messages he shared in two emails sent to workers late on Wednesday. In those notes, Mr. Musk said “the economic picture ahead is dire.” He added that he planned to end Twitter’s remote work policy and wanted employees to renew their focus on generating revenue and fighting spam.

Comment Started when they dropped tools for maps/mods (Score 1) 208

I had a bad feeling when they announced they were beefing up its rudimentary singleplayer to include full hollywood derp.

They also announced that tools for user generated content was not "planned" for the release, I had a weak hope this might imply a later release but I kept myself from buying it because of a growing cynicism that ultimately was proven correct.

They SIMPLY did not want to give us the same value BF1942 and BF2 provided, I played a lot of the vanilla but ultimately I spent much more times on Desert Combat, Forgotten Hope, Eve of Destruction, Project Reality and often tried tons of other variation to lesser extents.

I still have Forgotten Hope 2 installed, updated ( next version will finally include the Eastern front) and enjoyed.

Offical release can't take the risk to do anything then being clinically balanced, hobby mods can however. Maybe not everyone thinks facing a sherman with a japaneese tin can or being mowed down for the umpteenth time on Omaha beach is balanced gameplay or have the patience for it.
It requires a slew of different tactics and team work for a specific side on a specific map but the short end of a stick can be fun to wield especially with 128 player servers.
If not then there are plenty of other mods to choose form, some with more popularity then others but it provided tons of value.

That extending value meant more people would be content with a BF1942 or BF2 for years and years, can't let new products compete with the old ones can you?


Does Crime Leave a Genetic Trace? 160

gallifreyan99 writes "Scientists have spent decades trying to understand and fix social problems like violence and alcoholism, usually focusing on the poor and disadvantaged. But now a small band of researchers is claiming that biology plays a vitally important role — because trauma can change you at a genetic level that gets passed on to kids, grandkids, and perhaps even beyond." Part of the research involved testing the effect of stress on the genetics of mice. A number of mice were subjected to stressful situations and then allowed to raise their children. The children, when later subjected to stress, were more vulnerable to it than normal mice (for example, they would stop struggling in a potentially fatal situation earlier than 'happy' mice). This was expected. What's interesting is that when those children were later bred with normal mice, and that third generation was raised by normal mice (so that parental neglect wasn't a factor), they still showed the same vulnerability to stress. A subsequent generation showed the same.

Comment Re:Public education problem (Score 1) 130

Because its not an all compassing boom, I've know people that changed their subjects in the first year because of the math primers and friends that wanted to be police but ended up as truckers.

If salries are what everyone ties themselved down to, then why can't I remember everyone wanting to become fishermen.

You are so simplistic in your analysis it hurts.

Comment Re:Public education problem (Score 1) 130

You're so far from the middle ground as it can get.

Your rigid thinking completely ignores the fact that most public eductiaton for most of your life has shit todo with higher education.

Or that people chooses higher education or vocation beyond what your myopic mind percives.

But excuse my current drunk wisdom....

You're just another aspie cunt that think you have figoured out every human condition, the fact that you think everyone is after higher wages regardless of anything else, after those windows 8 app shit, and conflating those two as the same.

Shows you know shit about the market...and shit about the individual.
All this talk about brain parrabellum is as empty and meaningless as the shit Sam Harris proposes.

Not everyone is on a bandwagon....its only your self narscisistic belief that everytrend is greater then people wanting to become doctors, vets, scientists, writers, graphicians, nurses or teachers.

Why people are lead to these choices are shit you know SHIT about, but still decide to act like you have supperior insight into.
And that is what makes you a cunt and a faggot.

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