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Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 159

When I was born up until grade school we were worried about global cooling.

No, we weren't. Only a tiny minority of scientists ever believed in that, and that idea was discredited and moved on from very rapidly because there was no supporting evidence.

In the 1970's, there were about 7 papers discussing global cooling and they all had 1 thing in common, CFCs. The concern was that the concentrations of CFCs in the air were altering the atmospheric albedo and thus reducing the amount of solar radiation hitting the ground. Phasing out the CDCs made the cooling issue moot.

Comment Re:It cuts both ways (Score 2) 36

So the commerce clause doesn't apply to interstate telecommunications businesses? That's a very interesting interpretation of the constitution. Please, do educate us on why a business that routes your information back and forth through, potentially, all 50 states and several other countries would be exempt from federal regulations.

Comment Re:False Promises (Score 1) 406

The beltless SCO are designed for about a dozen items or so. Always have been. Even the ones with belts were never designed to handle a full shopping cart of groceries. As for the anti-theft measures, if people didn't try to steal shit every 30 seconds, they wouldn't need to be tweaked so tight. If only 10% of the floor value walks out the door in a quarter, it was a good quarter. One store I know had a woman get caught shoplifting, AP guy came from a different store, where he had caught her shoplifting earlier that day.

Comment Re:Rethinking McCain–Feingold (Score 4, Insightful) 85

In this case, it was a group knowingly making a false statement with the intent to harm another. Facebook quite reasonably may want to be involved in publishing defamatory statements when they can avoid it.

The problem being, they've stated and shown that the same type of statement delivered BY an actual candidate making false claims about an opponent will be permitted.

Comment Re:Headline : (Score 1) 719

Quick, what is a Y chromosome and what effects does it have on a human which possesses one vs a human that doesn't?

By itself? A Y chromosome has almost no effect on the development of a human fetus. The SRY1 gene which normally resides on it is responsible for penis growth - which occurs even if the SRY1 gene has transposed to the X chromosome. If your trying to argue there are only 2 sexes, you're ignoring that there are at least 6^12 major combinations of sexual genes which result in not 2 sexes, but a multidimensional spectrum with 2 clusters we call 'male' and 'female'.

A person can have a penis, testicles, and a womb (one father of 3 found that out going in to have his "tumor" biopsied). You also see drug interactions that are often associated with 'male' occurring in 'female' patients. "Male" and "female" are convenient categories, but the reality is NOT as binary as many people think.

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