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Comment Re:Solution for Global Warning? (Score 2) 80

In some of their other papers it is clear this antenna reactor technology can among other things bypass the Haber process and make cheap, green ammonia down the road. One thing at a time.

The technology is being commercialized.

Full disclosure, I build reactors for Syzygy.

Comment Re:Whiskey? Nah! (Score 1) 10

I dispute that. I bought some 'wood chips' from a charred barrel at a home brew store. I put a handful of them along with about a liter and a half of 150 proof sugar 'shine in a half gallon jar (I love being a yank and able to mix units like that), put the jar on our sailboat (Catalina 380) and took off across the gulf of Mexico. It has been two months now and when proofed down to something reasonable it is amazingly delicious!

Comment Re:What do these quantum beasties... (Score 1) 34

If the question is, "What are 1000 numbers that add up to 54776?" then the problem is rote but trivial.
If the question is, "Of all the possible combinations that add up to 54776 what is the particular combination I wrote down?" then the question is one for a psychic.
Am I correctly hearing you say that the QC is able to read your mind? *THAT* would be something.

Comment Re:Airstream instead (Score 1) 67 Yes, mid 6 figures even on the used market and the shoal draft version needs 5 feet of water under it but with the coming anthropomorphic sea level rise not too much of a worry. The aft portside cabin is very configurable. Wife has raced one offshore and says they are fine. Buy in from the Admiral is always required.

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