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Comment Re:yeah but (Score 1) 709

What your suggesting is like trying to teach someone how a car works by first showing them a horse drawn carriage and telling them you'll work up to the real thing. I say throw them in head first and from there it's sink or swim. There's already a dearth of moronic programmers no need to create a whole new generation of them.

Comment The Jack PC, BRILLIANT!!!! (Score 1) 119

Jack PC Sales Man: Hey potential customer this PC has no power cable!!! This is the next big thing.

Potential Customer: No power cable? Really? But it still uses electricity right?

Jack PC Sales Man: Of course, don't be silly.

Potential Customer: So where does the power come from?

Jack PC Sales Man: From the ethernet cable!!!

Potential Customer: So you're using the ethernet cable as a power cable? How is that not the same as having a power cable?

Jack PC Sales Man: ...um....ugh...It's an ethernet cable. You can now get rid of that unsightly power cable and get the power from this other cable that's not a power cable.

Potential Customer:....right.....(backs away slowly)

United States

Rupert Murdoch Publishes North Korean Flash Games 186

eldavojohn writes "You might recall back in June when it was noted that North Korea was developing and exporting flash games. Now, the isolated nation state is apparently home to some game developers that are being published by a subsidiary of News Corp. (The games include Big Lebowski Bowling and Men In Black). Nosotek Joint Venture Company is treading on thin ice in the eyes of a few academics and specialists that claim the Fox News owner is 'working against US policy.' Concerns grow over the potential influx of cash, creating better programmers that are then leveraged into cyberwarfare capabilities. Nosotek said that 'training them to do games can't bring any harm.' The company asserts its innocence, though details on how much of the games were developed in North Korea are sparse. While one of the poorest nations in the world could clearly use the money, it remains to be seen if hardliner opponents like the United States will treat Nosotek (and parent company News Corp.) as if they're fostering the development of computer programmers inside the DPRK. The United Nations only stipulates that cash exchanged with companies in the DPRK cannot go to companies and businesses associated with military weaponry or the arms trade. Would you feel differently about Big Lebowski Bowling if you knew it was created in North Korea?"

Comment Choose your adventure (Score 2, Funny) 135

Personally I loved the "Choose You Own Adventure" books as a kid. I just wish there was one of these books based on modern office life:

Your boss decides to rip you a new one.

Turn to page 50 to deny you manhood, tuck you tail between your legs and take it like a $10 hooker

Turn to page 69 to drop kick him in the chest and set his desk on fire.


Testing the Safety of Tasers On Meth-Addled Sheep 253

Funded in part by Taser International, a recent study was done to learn the effects of being tasered while on methamphetamines. Since someone would probably complain about researchers going around and tasering meth addicts, they used sheep instead. From the article: "The less-lethal device of choice was the Taser X26, a standard law enforcement tool which can fire at suspects from a distance of 35 feet. Researchers shocked sixteen anesthetized sheep after dosing the animals with an IV drip of methamphetamine hydrochloride. Some of the smaller sheep weighing less than 70.5 pounds suffered exacerbated heart symptoms related to meth use. But neither the smaller nor larger sheep showed signs of the ventricular fibrillation condition, a highly abnormal heart rhythm that can become fatal."

Company Invents Electronic Underpants 110

theodp writes "SIMsystem have created the world's first electric underpants that let you know that you've got issues by texting. Incontinence issues, to be more precise. The new-and-improved skivvies come equipped with a sensor strip that alerts caregivers to wetness via text message. From the technology summary: 'The SIMbox, when fitted into the individual resident's stretchpants (SIMpants), transmits sensor readings from the SIMstrip in the SIMpad® over a wireless network to the SIMserver. The SIMsystemManager software running on the SIMserver then detects key information about continence events and determines when to alert care staff about an event requiring attention.' So, who's going to start an open source project?"

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