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Comment Ban all books and burn down the libraries! (Score 3, Interesting) 538

~10 years old. Wanted to make a large "Silvesterknaller" (small explosive for New Years).
Went to a public library and looked at a few old books, describing how to make black powder and other things that go boom.

Bought a few chemicals, build an electronic igniter and it went boom. It was too easy to achieve so I lost interest in blowing things up.

It's like the brouhaha about 3D printing guns. Every hardware store has better stock to make something that accelerates a projectile /FacePalm

Comment Gimick (Score 0) 167

You know your product is crap when you have to create a market for it.
These "race cars" can't go the distance so they have to create special tracks to use them on instead of running them on known tracks. These street tracks suit the limited abilities of these cars.

These toys may hurt the sport more then it helps as the technology is not ready for this. Swapping cars during a race because the batteries are flat and they can't change them quick enough - what a fucking joke.

Comment Bullshit (Score 1) 177

For example when faced with the decision to crash into a pedestrian or another vehicle carrying a family, it would be a challenge for a self-driving car to follow the same moral reasoning a human would in the situation. 'Technologically we can do fully automated self-driving, but the ethical framework is missing,' said Volkswagen CEO Martin Winterkorn.

We learn how to drive in driving school and not how to crash. In a situation like the above. Most people will hit the next thing in front of them, regardless of what or who it is.
The faster the car goes the less likely anyone is to avoid an obstacle.

If anything. A machine could improve things by being able to react in time.

Comment Re:The real reason (Score 1) 52

Great so you figured out that 3D printers are not for you (yet). Others look at them and will cream their pants.

Ever needed a tiny gear or some other plastic part for a one off project .... design it, print it, done.
My 3D printer is like the 9 needle printer I used to have as a kid. Can't wait where it will go in the next 10 years.

Printing functional circuit boards is not required but will elevate 3D printing to the next level.

Comment first the interface and now ..... (Score 1) 215

yes I get it. You have a child and have the urge to tell the world about it.
This is Slashdot. It used to be news for nerds, shit that MATTERS .... How about you come back in 2 years and ask the following.

"How do I get my child to be a kernel hacker since he/she already outgrew fucking basic !?!?!?"

Look he/she made potty on the toilet .... twitter that shit!

Comment Re:When will slashdot follow? (Score 0) 187

Most people who joined facebook in their teens are no longer be teens.
How can it still be called a "teen phenomenon"?

They still exist in their pre adult world.

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

Comment Have you unfucked your own country yet? (Score 1) 42

A lot of that pollution is caused by the way you exploit foreign countries for their slave labor.
Has anyone reinstated the environmental protection laws that G. W. Bush removed?

Not to worry, though.
Soon, USA allies will be able to strike eco terrorist harboring countries with your drones - got to love it.

Comment Re:someone explain for the ignorant (Score 1) 449

Happened to my mother. She forgot her wallet in a taxi and lost a few thousand Euro in the process.
She tried to contact the cab company to trace down the driver instead of immediately registering the card as lost/stolen ... stupid move.

She did not have the pin written down but the pin was still cracked within a few hours. The thieve went to different banks and withdrew as much money as the limit allowed (each bank has their own limit).

The police and bank told her that she is at fault because these cards are not crackable. Apparently this has been challenged in court but the court confirmed the "uncrackable" claim of banks.

Comment Might be interesting... (Score 0) 393

I am currently investigating alternative operating systems because I don't want systemd on my boxes. Not looking forward to any dependency issues if I decided to "unfuck" a modern Linux distro.

*BSD is looking more and more attractive.
It won't be PC-BSD on my servers but running it as my main OS should teach me a lot in no time.

Guess "the old guys" where right after all. Linux has been and always will be a bit of a toy.

Comment Re:Tor Project Should take some responsibility (Score 5, Interesting) 79

Why not blame ISPs and other network operators?
They are enabling all the criminal activity on the Internet, with or without some sort of VPN to hide behind.

Next thing you know, people are prosecuted for what they say because it caused someone else to go nuts .... ohh wait a minute ....

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