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Comment Gold for salt. (Score 3, Insightful) 332

I remember learning in school that West Africans would trade gold for salt, pound for pound, with people from Northern Africa and abroad because they didn't know how to make their own salt and they needed it to survive. It always made me wonder why they didn't just pay gold, even if it was an incredible amount, for the knowledge to secure their own salt. Producing salt wasn't all that difficult, if I remember correctly, the salt traders would just evaporate seawater in little holes in the ground and scrap up the leftovers.

Comment Re:I chose negative (Score 1) 750

Former President Jimmy Carter was interviewed by Tavis Smiley recently and expressed an interesting (hint hint!) theory about all the negative ads.

He said that in his era when he was running against people like Former President Ronald Reagan they had nothing but mutual respect for each other and would refer to each other as "my distinguished opponent." But noted that the recent Supreme Court ruling, which he referred to as 'stupid', was to blame for all the negative ads and that dirty money was closely related to dirty tactics.

He was also quick to bring up the relation of negative ads to the near standstill in Congress in that once the Republicans and Democrats make it to Congress they all but hate each other. And to make matters worse, the Republican party's non-cooperation with Obama, even when he tries to push for what they had asked for months prior, has nearly succeeded in ruining Obama's popularity by blaming him for all their stubborn inactivity.

Comment Re:Probably not (Score 1) 185

If we get gig to the house, I mean truly have that kind of bandwidth available, I don't think we'll see a need for much more for a long, long time.

Once speeds like these become available, once the opportunity arises and the market grows, we will find applications for it. Trust, we always do.

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