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Comment Re:Voting strategy from Scott Adams (Score 5, Insightful) 138

single issue voting is how we get so many so called "pro life" politicians who are corrupt as hell and absolute shitheels on everything else. Too many dumbasses fall for their marketing on one issue and neglect to look into anything else.
The Feds need to just end the farce that is "The War on Drugs" and start rolling back all the civil rights abusing legislation that was passed to support it. They aren't any closer to ending drug abuse than when they started this nonsense in 1914.

Comment Re: That settles it. (Score 1) 128

I never used CompuServe, but did use several different dial up and internet based BBS services starting in the late 80s. I never heard about the soft G pronunciation until the last 10-15 years. Prior to that, everyone I ever ran into pronounced it with the hard G like the words graphics and gift.

Comment Re:Good news needed these day? (Score 2) 63

There are plenty of reasons for the "you can't do"...
It will hurt the poor!
You will need to raise my taxes!
It will displace the endangered red bellied spotted swamp humper.
In general, it doesn't happen because people collectively choose not to because the change requires a form of social investment and/or would upset the powers that be's business plans.

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