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Comment Re:old news, or a hoax. (Score 1) 173

Personally what I'm thinking is that people should just bring their own towels - that's what I do because I don't want a flimsy cheap one that's been in a thousand other armpits. The thing is; every business has its obstacles - that's life. I don't want the hotel's armpit wipes but every time something annoys me in a hotel I think of how the towels disappear thousands per month and then I smile.

Comment Re:old news, or a hoax. (Score 1) 173

It's called fighting fire with fire. If some little punk just walks up to me out of the blue and gives me a smack on the back of the head, getting even is all the rationale I need. If it were someone else I wouldn't jump on a high horse and give him this whiny lecture about how hitting people is wrong even if they hit you first.

Comment Re:You free speech defenders (Score 1) 411

This isn't about people who create a false panic; it's about people who expose deadly wrongdoings. They're not going to stop that 4chan image saying dangerous fallout is raining on California. They ARE going to stop rational discourse over negligence and mismanagement. The government is looking bad in this situation; they want to 'solve' this 'problem' the only way they know how - with force.

Comment My thought: make tablets more like PCs/consoles (Score 2, Insightful) 174

Step 1: make some affordable accessories to comfortably set up a tablet as if it were a PC monitor; keyboard, speakers, etc.

Step 2: start marketing parts instead of finished products only so it isn't an entire industry of iMacs. Let people build their own.

Step 3: open things up and give people more control over what they do with their devices; if you buy it you get to decide how it's used.

Boom, tablets are the new PCs. Not a replacement, simply an evolution out of the old form. Until all this happens they'll still just be a gimmicky toy that some people happen to spend a lot of time on. Make these things happen and you'll see business tablets as well.

Comment Re:Worse yet... (Score 3, Informative) 235

Personally I think this is just a sign of changing times rather than Notch not knowing what he's doing. In the days of packaged software you had an alpha you tested yourself, a beta your close friends tested, and then a "final" release and that was it. This new style of development involves continually adding features until the developer gets tired of the work; we don't have to press things onto hard media and ship things out to retailers now so there's no more solid cutoff on how long you can continue working.

Comment "Roaming" isn't what it used to be. (Score 1) 101

I've had roaming randomly kick in while I was sitting in front of my PC at home. If I didn't set it so my web access would be shut off whenever this happened, it would have shown up on my bill.

So if I own a phone company, can I just randomly flick switches that say people are roaming and then charge them an arm and a leg if they want to continue using the service they paid for? It used to be that you weren't roaming unless you actually left your service area; just like long distance calls over land lines.

Comment Re:Anonymous Coward to FTC: (Score 4, Insightful) 76

Here's the thing: Microsoft looks out for Microsoft. That's how capitalism works, and it really does help people when capitalism is applied correctly. But having high-level capitalists telling the state what to do with regards to protecting the citizenry is not a correct application of capitalism.

Microsoft needs to look out for Microsoft, the government needs to look out for the safety of the common taxpayers.

Comment Re:Moon, or harvest from gas giants (Score 1) 185

The moon is hard enough on its own, but gas giants have much higher gravity than Earth.

Combine this with the fact that it takes us an incredibly long time to reach one of those planets, and we're looking at something that is still quite a long ways off. If anything, we're going to need a substantial economic boom before it becomes possible to dump funding into space programs again.

The thing is, we're looking at a problem that exists right now and we need solutions right now - not decades down the road.

Comment Re:Is BP a good investment? (Score 1) 136

I'd have to say the answer is no. If you've been following the news; BP is shown to have a history of mistakes and negligence that is much worse than what seems to be the norm for the industry. Given their past, it would stand to reason that they're at above-average risk of another big disaster at any time.

Is investing your money a good idea? Sure. Is BP stock a wise choice? It's more of a gamble really.

Comment Don't try too hard to crush piracy. (Score 2) 304

Because if the only way for me to load text onto a text reader is to buy it an inflated price from the company's book store, then I'm just not going to purchase the device.

If I'm going to spend money on a device that's solely for reading text, I'm going to want to use it to read the long volumes I encounter on a daily basis because seeing them on a backlit screen is far more comfortable than seeing black text on a white background on a computer monitor. If I can't put whatever I feel like onto a reader, which is what serves as an open door to piracy, then it's not very useful to me.

Comment This is why I refuse to buy apple products. (Score 4, Insightful) 754

I was a Mac user until recently, and an Apple II user before I started with Macs. But lately, I just absolutely refuse to use anything with their brand on it because of this precise behavior.

All I ask is that the device I pay for allow me to use it as I please instead of requiring the company's permission for each little chunk of code that executes. Give me just that and I'll be happy to buy.

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