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Comment Re:No one is forcing you to use Chrome! (Score 4, Informative) 274

Because Android keeps forcing you to use Chrome despite installing Firefox and making it the default browser. Even if you do get Firefox to be the default browser everywhere on every app, Google intentionally makes certain aspects Chrome only. Locked in experiences in general need to be curtailed.

Comment Re:Everybody wants someone already trained (Score 1) 386

On the flip side, we have tried training and mentoring juniors. Typically the best candidates still need a lot of assistance for the first 6 - 12 months because the education system doesn't provide them with the skills needed. Once they hit the 2 year mark, they typically get flooded with job offers and leave.

For us it becomes a matter of providing a junior with paid training or hiring someone with enough experience that they can be programming unsupervised within 6 weeks. The end result is the company hiring more intermediate and senior developers rather than juniors because more experienced developers typically stick around longer and require less investment before they can produce usable code unsupervised.

They're also past that annoying "reinvent the wheel because I know so much better than all these more experienced developers but actually don't" phase.

Comment This destroyed my Win10 install (Score 1) 90

I've never seen anything like it. Windows would simply not load. Not even safemode could get windows to boot.

Completely reinstalling windows fixed it (for now) but there goes 2 hours of my life (plus the slow process of reinstalling all my apps).

I really regret purchasing an Intel CPU. If anyone out there is building a computer and on the fence about what CPU to get, AMD deserves your money. Ryzen is fantastic and should have been my first choice.

Comment Re:Northern countries fare better (Score 1) 382

That's because you will freeze to death in cold climates if you don't look out for one another.

Living in a place where a blizzard can strand you in your car tends to make people a lot more considerate of others. Just last week about 300 people got stranded on a highway in Montreal:

Comment Re:So, tables? (Score 1) 87

What kind of data are you displaying where it doesn't matter if you show it as a 10x10 grid (aka, a table of 10 rows and 10 columns) or as a list (aka, a table of 1 column and an infinite number of rows, which in this case I guess would be 100.)?

Data != a website layout. CSS Grids are designed for displaying layouts, tables are designed for displaying data.

Or where you can simply exclude or rearrange some rows/columns and not lose anything?

Every time you build a responsive layout you do this.

CSS Grid allows you to organize content and re-arrange the layout for the screen it's being displayed on. This allows a website to be optimal on all devices. That's the biggest advantage but it stretches a lot farther than that.

You can't turn a 10x10 table into a 4x25 table. CSS Grid lets you do that and then some. That's why it's a big deal and that's why it's not just tables 2.0.

Comment Re:So, tables? (Score 1) 87

A bit more? It's like comparing a rowboat to an ocean linear.

How do those tables work in a responsive layout? How much mark up do you need to create a table layout vs the same thing with a CSS grid layout? Is the table layout completely independent from it's content?

It's not that structuring things in a way that was similar to a table was a problem, it's that tables were woefully inadequate. That lead people to using floats, which were really meant for having text float around images. Now we have flexbox for general content and grids for overall page construction. With these tools, the web might be mature enough that we don't need a whole new system every 5 years.

Comment Re:About that shiny new feature... (Score 2) 87

BootStrap's grid layout uses floats to achieve a grid. CSS grid is an actual CSS specification built around creating grids in the browser window. It's incredibly useful for web apps and also makes web design much more similar to print design.

A good site for learning how to use CSS Grids:

Comment Re:So, tables? (Score 1) 87

Flexbox works nothing like the table element. They're not even remotely similar.

CSS Grid is similar to the table element, except it eliminates all the problems associated with and makes web design much more similar in approach to print design. As someone that has gone from table layouts to float layouts to flex layouts and recently started using css grid layouts, I can say emphatically that no one gave up and went backwards.

It's incredibly exciting to see these tools in the wild. To have them derided and wrongfully labelled as rehashes of the woefully inadequete the table element is not only counter productive, it's also incredibly wrong.

Comment Re:"Labor Shortage" (Score 1) 477

Except talent is bullshit. Don't push the mythical creator nonsense where people are born with certain abilities or they aren't. What people call talent is actually a person's persistence in pursuing a skill and being passionate enough about it to become an expert. The easiest way to show this kind of progression is through visual artists: Artists don't wake up one day being talented, they spend decades improving their craft. The same applies to any skill, including abstract thinking. Anyone can have a talent for abstract thought, they just need the interest and dedication to improve that skill.

Comment Re:I did a complete 180 on AV software (Score 4, Informative) 231

AV software forging SSL certificates is downright baffling. A client of mine kept having his website marked as insecure despite having an SSL certificate and all tests showing it was working properly. Turns out it was a false positive from his AV software and there's literally nothing you can do about it besides telling someone to uninstall their AV.

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