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Comment Re:I don't get it ?? The scientific answer (Score 1) 399

There is a simple answer, and it doubles as a science project. (Yay, science!)

Step 1: Use the shelter phone system to call the abuser using the SpoofCard service. Spoof the number of the abuser.
Step 2: The abuser is using the CallerID Unblocking service, thus setting up an infinite loop and based on my understanding of cartoon physics, the abuser is sucked into a Black Hole Vortex of Justice(tm)
Step 3: Um, profit.

Comment Re:A bargain price, based on that hype. (Score 5, Funny) 451

No, you're old when you recall that you HAD a six-million-dollar-man doll... er, action figure, plus his boss Oscar, and Oscar's exploding briefcase. You could look through Steve's head through his bionic eye and see the girls at the playground giggling at your, um, action figure set.

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