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Comment Re:"Offered"? (Score 1) 170

... individuals flagged by the system will be offered interventions, such as counseling, to avert potential criminal behavior.

How long before 'offered' morphs into 'required to undergo'? When that happens - and it will, sooner or later - then authorities will have a convenient, streamlined mechanism for punishing people whose actions they merely dislike. Peaceful demonstrators - along with anybody else who is publicly critical of those in power - can expect to be forced into a 're-education' program that will waste their time, harm their reputations, and discourage them from speaking out.

This whole scheme sounds like a roundabout way of doing what the Chinese government is doing openly with their appalling and disgusting 'social credit' regime. The world is becoming a very, very scary place.

I can take a guess at the "How long before 'offered' morphs into 'required to undergo'", or at least at the circumstances that may lead to that leap. Sooner or later, someone on the list who refused treatment (or even one who went to treatment but was considered still dangerous by the person administering the treatment) will commit a horrible crime. It then becomes easy to tell an angry public 'We KNEW this person would do this, but were unable to act on our knowledge.'. Then follows showing a few more examples of other crimes committed by people the computer said were dangerous, and I'm sure other very inventive ways to show how irresponsible it would be to NOT take these people down. The public then demands people on the list....ect...


Intelligence Chairman Accuses Obama Aids of Hundreds of Unmasking Requests ( 330

mi writes: When American spies capture our communications with foreigners, the identities of Americans on the other side of the conversation are generally protected -- if not by bona-fide laws, then certainly by rules and regulations. A transcript of the conversation should have their name replaced with labels like "U.S. person 1". The citizen involved can only be "unmasked" with a good reason. In 2011, Obama relaxed these rules, making it much simpler even for officials without any intelligence role to obtain the identities. Predictably, certain top officials of the Obama Administration abused their access to get this information: "The [House Intelligence] committee has learned that one official, whose position had no apparent intelligence related function, made hundreds of unmasking requests during the final year of the Obama administration," [Intelligence Chairman Devin] Nunes wrote. "Of those requests, only one offered a justification that was not boilerplate."

Comment Re:Inevitable (Score 1) 141

Let's called it "Planet 9 from Outer Space."

I say we call it 'Pltuo'. All the mnemonics that people have learned throughout the years to remember the names and order of the planets from the sun can then be reused, all kinds of hilarity could be had for years to come with auto correct sending people to the wrong information.

Comment Re:Blunder of the Century (Score 1) 47

Deep Fritz 10 - Kramnik,V (2750). Man vs Machine Bonn, Germany, 27.11.2006. Kramnik played 34...Qe3?? The blunder of the century.

Kramnik played the move 34...Qe3 calmly, stood up, picked up his cup and was about to leave the stage to go to his rest room. At least one audio commentator also noticed nothing, while Fritz operator Mathias Feist kept glancing from the board to the screen and back, hardly able to believe that he had input the correct move. Fritz was displaying mate in one, and when Mathias executed it on the board Kramnik briefly grasped his forehead, took a seat to sign the score sheet and left for the press conference, which he dutifully attended.

In the post match press conference Vladimir Kramnik confirmed that he had not blundered out of exhaustion, and had been calculating very well right to the end. He had no real explanation for the oversight that happened right at the end.

Kramnik in the press conference: "It was actually not only about the last move. I was calculating this line very long in advance, and then recalculating. It was very strange, some kind of blackout. I was feeling well, I was playing well, I think I was pretty much better. I calculated the line many, many times, rechecking myself. I already calculated this line when I played 29...Qa7, and after each move I was recalculating, again, and again, and finally I blundered mate in one. Actually it was the first time that it happened to me, and I cannot really find any explanation. I was not feeling tired, I think I was calculating well during the whole game... It's just very strange, I cannot explain it."

Thus the question that everyone was asking remained unanswered: how can a player of Kramnik's caliber, a world champion who hovers around the Elo 2800 mark, overlook a mate in one move? Naturally there is no logical explanation â" we have to delve into the realm of pattern recognition and the psychology of human perception if we want to understand anything.

The rest of the article turns the board around, looks at it from Kramnik's position, and tries to get into his head to see what he was thinking. Personally, I think it's what I call "sniffing your own butt" when you get so inside yourself, you stop thinking about the rest of the world. You then perform bizarre actions which seem quite reasonable to you. This happens in groups as well. It helps to explain things like how pro-worker governments of the 20th century murdered millions of workers. There's just nobody there to second-guess your thinking, and even if there was, they would be heavily punished for speaking out and contradicting you. This is where crowdsourcing shines.

Unfortunately, Kramnik had somehow not registered the threat generated by the Fritz move 34.Nxf8. The white queen threatens mate in one on h7 (where it is protected by the knight). Black does nothing to neutralise this threat with his move 34...Qe3. And so, after he played it, Kramnik was immediately mated by the computer.

But how could he not have seen the threat after 34.Nxf8. An explanation was proffered by a very experienced chess player and trainer, Alexander Roshal, who is also the editor of the Russian chess magazine "64".

Alexander told us that the mating pattern that occurred during the game, with the white queen protected by a knight on f8 (as in the screen shot above), is extremely rare in chess. It is not one of the patterns that chess grandmasters automatically have in their repertoire. This was confirmed by a GM commentator in Bonn, who after Kramnik's move did not notice that it was a blunder and started discussing White's options â" but not the mate in one.

Chess blindness strikes again!

Comment Re:Stunned (Score 3, Funny) 286

Have worked in a school where the children weren't allowed bunsen burners, and had to simulate chemical reactions / explosions on computer software.

It's honestly NOT that unusual.

You just have to get creative. In my high school chemistry class (late 1990s), my teacher tried to requisition some lighters (for the gas), and the administration denied it. The next week he resubmitted the request, this time calling for 'butane dispensation units'. He was given the green light and away we went!

Comment Re:They screwed up the website (Score 1) 104

Too bad they are so utterly tone-deaf that they put up a website that requires not just your zipcode but also your street address in order to look up your congressional representative's record on the NSA. Stupid web2.0 fuckheads couldn't at least include a link to a list of reps to pick from in case we didn't want to hand out our home address to god knows what data brokers? Even when I disabled noscript and disabled requestpolicy that damn lookup still wouldn't work either. Epic fucking fail.

'Full Scorecard' link at the top of the site:

Comment Re:Kind of see their point... (Score 1) 207

Site uses the Ikea logo and colors and contains no disclaimer. I can see how people could mistake it for an "official" site.

The funny thing is, the one part of the site that would give a confused person pause to think 'Hrm. This doesn't look like an official Ikea site.' would be the presence of ads, which is the only thing they made her remove.

Comment Re:Good (Score 2) 150

You were the one that decided to buy at that price. How is anyone responsible but you? I'll sell you the chair I'm sitting in for $10,000. If you are stupid enough to buy it how is that my fault?

One person/company offering a product at a given price point, you're okay. Colluding with the rest of the chair industry to ensure that ALL chairs cost $10,000, not so much.

Comment Re:Obvious question missed (Score 4, Informative) 189

Did anyone read the posting?

"Men wanted for hazardous journey, small wages, and bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful, honor and recognition in case of success."

"Men" being the important word here. They are not looking for a breeding crew on the first trip. They are looking for workers. I'm presuming future missions would be more diverse (especially if they are trying to build a real colony).

Did you read the posting? That ad was for an expedition to the south pole, not for this mission.

Comment Re:Legality? (Score 1) 252

There ought to be a law that bans electoral bodies from passing laws with provisions to make the voting body an exception to the law being passed.

Except that these are exceptionally cheap to operate. If you ban them altogether, then you make running for office that much more expensive. Political 'speech' is not something to be restricted lightly.

Besides, they would probably just exempt themselves from the 'We cant exempt ourselves' law :(

Comment Re:400/2 = 200, and 200 230, please help me. (Score 3, Informative) 215

How would an equidistant supercharger (thus, one that is 200 miles from each of two points, themselves 400 miles apart) fail to help drivers with cars that have a 230 mile range?

The numbers they are going off of are for a 'Rapid-Charge', which, as defined in TFA, would add around 150 miles of range in 30 minutes. You could of course charge for longer and get the full 230 miles out of the smaller range vehicle and make the 400 mile trip.

Comment Re:Waste of time (Score 1) 195

...So if the yeti, bigfoot, the lochness monster etc... exist and are being sited more often by people now then they used to be, why don't we have any non-blurry pictures of them.

"I think Bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry, and that's extra scary to me. There's a large, out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside. Run, he's fuzzy, get out of here." - Mitch Hedberg

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