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Comment Re:Do you ever wonder... (Score 1) 158

Not only cheaper and easier, but much more practical as well. They don't give away you position from a mile away (unless startled/attacked), and they refuel with grass and water, which are much easier to come by on a mission than gasoline. This looks like just about the biggest waste of money I've ever seen.

Comment Re:non-interventionist != anti-war (Score 1) 857

You mean FDR had the audacity to sanction and cut diplomatic ties with nations both actively engaged in the savage oppression of two entire continents full of people? Have you read anything about the genocide the Germans were busy carrying out in Europe at the time? And the savage conduct of the Japanese in China, Korea and around the Pacific islands? These weren't issues that were suddenly going to be resolved around the negotiating table. The US joining the war was not an option at the time; it was a necessity.

Strangely, you then go on to argue that FDR didn't go far enough, that he should have gotten us into a war with Russia over control of Eastern Europe. Your post just makes me thankful that he was in charge at the time, rather than you.

Comment Re:WebM has critical mass (Score 1) 663

Except that Firefox, Chrome and Opera all ship with Flash, which does support h.264 playback, and so a single h.264-encoded file can be served to everyone; natively in the tag for browsers that support it, and handled by Flash by those that can't. No one is going to re-encode all their content to WebM if they can avoid it.

Comment Re:1415 bugs fixed... (Score 1) 385

Same here. I'm getting unusably bad text rendering with FF4 b7 in Vista, and am disappointed to see it's not fixed in b8. I'm still sticking with 3.6.x for now, but this had better be fixed by the time FF4 gets released.

Comment Re:the usual stalking horse (Score 1) 419

By networking, I mean to establish contact with each other, potentially leading to sharing their victims with each-other. There have been several high-profile busts of child porn rings involving just such occurrences.
Here's one in the news today:

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All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
