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Comment Re:North Pole (Score 1) 496

You're right. You don't need maths to solve this though. It's a thought riddle and makes some assumptions. so you ignore ice/ocean etc.
You walk South 1 mile.
Following your compass, traveling West, you're walking an arc exactly 1 mile radius from the North pole. The distance you walk West doesn't matter, you will always be 1 mile away from the pole. Now by turning North and walking 1 mile, you are back where you started.

Comment Re:#define BITLEN 48 (Score 1) 208

You may not know the full story here and it would be laborious to explain it fully. However the costing of the original NBN was budgeted and the time line worked out. Delays came about because of the reluctance (politically motivated) by Telstra to sell their pipes to the NBN. That took around 2 years and many millions of dollars.
Now, FTTH (FTTP) has been degraded to FTTN (node) and copper wires from the node to the premises! WTF?
Here's an apt quote:
"Shadow communications minister Jason Clare used Mr Hackett's comments to attack the Coalition's policy.
"Malcolm Turnbull sacked the NBN Co board because they didn't agree with him," he said. "A year and half later, Turnbull's hand-picked replacement has come to the same conclusion - his second-rate copper NBN is a dud."
Not only that, but a public infrastructure project run by the government is now in the hands of 3rd party developers using old (VDSL) technology.
So when sense finally comes, all that VDSL (which has to be separately powered on street corner fridge sized boxes) needs to be ripped out. More time wasted and less bandwidth for the next decade at least.
So much for the original vision of superfast connections to over 90% of the homes in Australia.
Now Turnbull is no chump. Maybe he was forced into an alternate version of the NBN by the Liberals and is pushing this ahead, against the advice of every tech head out there. He knows it's wrong but he has no choice but follow a damaged policy.

Comment Re:Meanwhile, in Australia (Score 1) 42

There has already been enough discussion about this in IT circles and more in the future. I bet that there will be a bill passed to clarify this.
Encryption/cryptography are not the sole property of the good good guys anyway. If someone builds a bigger wall, there's always someone else that can pull it down.

Comment Re:#define BITLEN 48 (Score 1) 208

Yes, maybe Turnbull. His only problem is his hypocrisy where he invests his personal fortune in FTTH in France, but baulks on supporting the same infrastructure in Australia. What a waste of time and money the new NBN is when it'll all have to be ripped up and replaced with full fibre. I'll be non-compost menzies by then.
Gough was God in my time. He gave me a free education (which I repaid time over), fixed the health of the populace and did a lot of good deeds. Unfortunately he ran out of money.

Comment Re:I would like to Apologise (Score 1) 208

On the other hand, we're just a bunch of gutless arseholes that just don't care. In the next election are we going to vote middle left or middle right? Same crap ALL THE TIME and we don't do anything about it.
And how the hell can Uber operate in Australia? WTF! No one is allowed to transport people for money except Taxis and bus drivers and that is highly regulated.
Maybe the AC is right. Another Eureka Stockade anyone?
As for the latest gov. blunder? Well it'll sort itself out. As one poster put it "This makes everyone guilty of something. Then governments can just prosecute anybody they don't like in a completely arbitrary fashion." ( Just another piece of shit we have to put up with emanating from the dickhead in charge who keeps claiming he has a 'mandate' to make any changes he gets told to do by incompetent cronies who have no clue about anything.

Comment Re:Obviously.. (Score 1) 443

So they stuck me in front of a terminal way back in '75 with a pile of printouts, checking to see if the data got input correctly WHILE they went off to play Star Trek.
I finished a few hrs later and entered @@XCIO to end the session. The command wiped out the whole data set off the tape, no 'Are you sure you want to do this?" or 'Really? You want to delete the file?".... just a few seconds of blank before the cursor re-appeared flashing happily.
As I didn't know any better, I wandered off, but they found me in the uni library and frog marched me to the BIG GUY. He explained what I did and how those thousands of punch cards that have to be re-read. I got banned from the computer room for the rest of the semester.

Comment Re:Syntax hilighting (Score 2) 443

Ever meet a COBOL Report programmer? He was employed till ~2005 when he retired of old age. He never had a personal computer either. He would go to work, write code on a terminal to output a custom report (Banking btw), then go home to lead an ordinary life. He was paid well and in demand but knew nothing about any other programming languages, IDE or anything else. Just one skill set and that's it.

Comment Re:Wrong question (Score 1) 443

Yes. I had to interface with a well written driver once. It would only accept BASIC calls. So I wound up with a small notice board behind my monitor, thumbtacks+ A4 pages of reference data and both Apple and PC basic. Everything was done using the native BASIC on Apple (plus some assembler), compiled for speed then converted to PC DOS. Ran a treat too. And yes, test, test, test AND good documentation.

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