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Comment Re:Here we go... (Score 3, Insightful) 454

Israel's pre-1960 borders? The ones were the West Bank belonged to Jordan and Gaza belonged to Egypt?

If it brought a real chance at peace, I believe Israel would agree to that. But Jordan doesn't want the West Bank anymore. Egypt doesn't want Gaza. Israel's pre-1960 borders still would not create a country called Palestine.

Jordan and Egypt don't want to deal with the Palestinian problem anymore than Israel does.

Comment Re:Remote Kill Switch. (Score 1) 443

Since GM runs ads about how they can remotely kill OnStar equipped vehicles, I am sure that if the capability exists in Tesla Cars, they wouldn't need a warrant to do it. They would only need authorization from the owner. Only time Tesla would need a warrant from the police is if the police are chasing the Owner and the Owner won't grant authorization

Comment Re:Jurisdiction (Score 1) 173

I believe that this is a split from the 5th Circuit who ruled warrants are not required for this data because 3rd party doctrine. It can''t be a search of your private information because it isn't your information, it is Verizon's or AT&T or Sprint. It is about you, but it isn't yours.

Thereby increasing the likelihood that this will eventually make its way to the Supreme Court

It may be time for the Supreme Court to address this issue directly. But they ruled just a few years ago that pager records didn't require warrants.

Comment But this is a light fire year (Score 4, Informative) 379

Every year there are devastating fires somewhere. But we have to look at the acreage and number of fires.

Last year was a light fire year. About 20% lighter than the 10 year average.

So far this year, we are about 15% behind the 10 year average in the number of wildland fires. And we are about 50% behind in the number of acres burned.

Honestly, I still expect overall the world's climate will be getting wetter with global warming. There might be some regions that will get drier, but warmer oceans mean more evaporation. Warmer temperatures mean the air can hold more moisture resulting in higher humidity. Eventually that higher humidity has to result in more rainfall somewhere. But even if higher humidity doesn't result in rain, higher humidity does result in less aggressive fire behavior.
      I am not a climate scientist. I have a lot of people scoff at me when I say this, but they never explain how I am wrong. I can read the projections but the projections never seem to include the increased levels of ocean evaporation that I expect.

Comment Re:lol, wut ? (Score 1) 420

I was a nuclear technician in the Navy. We used Pressurized Water Reactors. My understanding is that most US commercial reactors are pressurized water reactors too.

Primary coolant loop is pressurized water. Primary Loop is pressurized and never boils, never produces steam. Pressurized so it can carry lots of heat without boiling. Water transports the heat to a Steam Generator in a secondary cooling loop. The water in the secondary loop boils and produces steam. The steam is used to spin steam turbines attached to generators and main engines.

Lots and lots of steam.

Comment Re:And with that yoiu get POWER! (Score 4, Informative) 420

Their mothballed desalination plant won't be a reverse osmosis system. It will be an older flash distillation plant.

Probably steam powered. I ran and supervised the operation of 2 multi-stage 100,000 gallon per day flash distillation plants in the Navy. They have very few moving parts and were very reliable. They just took a ton of steam to operate. Steam for the ejectors that pulled the vacuum, and steam for the heating elements. Lots of electricity for the pumps.

But they are talking about a plant that can produce millions of gallons per day of fresh water. It will be very clean and soft too. Expect 0 hardness on the output. They probably will be adding minerals so the output has good flavor.

Comment Re:A drop in the bucket. (Score 4, Informative) 420

So what you are objecting to the the Practice of Water Rights

Water Rights are a legal principle, not Federal Micromanagement. The water belongs to the person with the oldest rights to it first. Need isn't part of the equation.

The person who's water rights were established in 1849 have priority to the person who's water rights were established in 1999.

First come first served. Water Rights are inheritable and sellable. Those farmers have water rights that are older than the residents in the Cities. That is why they get first dibs. Not because they are propped up by the Federal Government. But because the process of water rights was established by Common Law, and supported by California and Federal Courts.

Comment Re:A drop in the bucket. (Score 2) 420

Unless you can demonstrate that the oil companies are hauling water from Santa Barbara to frack wells in other parts of the country, I don't see how this is relevant.

Besides, I think what you are describing is an oil recovery technique, not fracking. There is a process were water/steam is injected into old wells to try and recover more oil/gas, but it has little relationship to hydraulic fracturing

Comment Re:Obamacare exists because... (Score 1) 288

However -- because of the Supreme Court decision in the Obamacare case, the Medicaid expansion is voluntary for the states, and half the states (mostly Republican) refused to expand it. So in those states, poor people really are stuck. They do get kicked out of hospitals and get left to die of treatable conditions.

I live in one of those States that refused to expand Medicaid. I live in Idaho. I don't think we could have afforded to do it. Because of another Court case a few years ago, the State of Idaho now has to pay for education in Idaho out of the General Fund. It used to be mostly funded by property taxes at the local level, but now it is funded by Sales Tax at the State level. We also have a Constitutional requirement in Idaho to balance the budget every year. Approximately 60% of the State budget is now Education. Every other State Agency has seen their budget slashed by about 30% over the past 10 years.

And then the Federal Government orders the State to massively expand Medicaid. My State just doesn't have the resources to do it. It isn't because people don't care, we just don't have the income. 90% of the Students in my School District are on free or reduced lunch. Median Family income in my town is $31,000 per year. 20% of the people in my community live below the poverty line. There isn't a whole lot of room to add more taxes to expand another Government program.

If our State was doing better economically, there would be more support for expanding Medicaid. But we are all suffering. The idea of having to pay even more taxes is daunting.

The truly poor still have access to Medicaid in Idaho. The program didn't go away. It just didn't expand it to people above the poverty line.

Comment Re:FAA & Public Safety (Score 1) 236

Requiring the operator of an RC Plane to be a "Licensed" Pilot if it is for commercial use, but any joe smuck if it is for hobby use seems to be a problem for me.

For one reason, Piloting an RC aircraft, from the ground, is a different skill set than Piloting a small plane from inside the aircraft itself.

Comment Re:lack of attractive upgrade prices (Score 1) 860

I do IT in a machine shop.

We have 3 machines that still have Windows 95 for their OS, 2 with Windows 2000, and 2 with Windows XP

These are not standard intel processor based PCs. They are RISC processors that run a real time OS that communicates with the machine PLCs, and Windows provides a nice interface for the operator to interface with.

Last time we got a quote, it was $14,000 to upgrade one of the machines to Windows XP. I am not sure they can even be upgraded to Windows 7. They still work, so why bother spending the money.

I have a Tool inventory kiosk that has Windows XP on it too. I could upgrade it to Windows 7 or 8, but I have no guarantee that the Kiosk will function normally if we do that. So we are not upgrading it. I have better things to do with my time.

None of the machines or kiosks have Internet access. I will take my chances that they are secure enough.

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