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Comment Short answer: Yes (Score 1) 396

I suspect a lot has to do with your role within IT, but I used to be a fairly low-level network admin (no relevant degree), and when I decided to pursue an unrelated graduate degree I had to give up on IT work, there was simply nothing, NOTHING even advertised for part-time work at my level. I still keep an eye out, but I've been doing accounting work for three years now...yay for me.

Comment Vanity and Pretension (Score 1) 423

I have a lot of really cool, interesting, intelligent books, and some real tacky space opera/vampire/Dr. Who books too. I arrange my bookshelves so that anyone who looks at them will assume that I am windswept, interesting, smart and not excited by zombies. Same goes for my DVD collection.

Comment Re:Exactly (Score 4, Funny) 302

I manage a team of payment processing staff who do work for superannuation companies, local councils, payroll companies, etc, and we process around 17,000 cheques every evening, which is roughly three metric fucktons. We're one of nine offices in the country, one of many such companies, and I'm in Australia, which has a population of about eighty people, I think. There are lots of cheques, they're just not part of most slashdotters' lives.

Comment Think harder. (Score 1) 290

Why is it that everyone assumes Hitler would've died a peaceful, quiet painter if he'd been better at art? Is there some reason that a more successful artist couldn't develop fascist, racist viewpoints? Or that all anyone needs is an outlet? You don't think young Adolf had like-minded friends to talk to, or vent at? You think that an anti-semite couldn't find a sympathetic ear in Germany in the 1920s? No, the internet generally reinforces horrible viewpoints, because no matter how horrid or weird your thing is, you can find a community of like-minded asshats to make you feel normal. I certainly don't remember furries being a loud and proud part of the community before the internet. I've been exposed to more nazi, jew-hating, gay-baiting, misogynistic, racist, ignorant guff on the internet than I could hope to find in a thousand lifetimes in meatspace. And while I'm at it, can't people qualify what kind of Nobel winner in the headline? Peace, literature and physics winners command varying levels of respect from me, and this sort of opinion would be more interesting if it came from an economics winner, for example.

Comment Great analogy, chief (Score 1) 872

Yes, I do have 10,000 sheep. But this land is common, I have a right to let them all graze there if I want to.

Sorry, your internet connection is part of the commons? Mine is paid for privately, and I can graze all the fuck I want on the paddock that I rented FOR GRAZING.

Comment Re:Immortality is scary (Score 1) 359

Most of the wealth in this country (and indeed most of the world) is concentrated with men who are over the age of 50-60 years. When they die, that wealth is then redistributed.

When they die, their wealth is generally redistributed between their 1-2 offspring. The good thing about that is that you rarely get more than two consecutive generations of savvy businessmen in the one line.
I used to work for an old guy whose business was managed by his son, and whose grandson was learning the ropes. Every time the idiot grandson walked past, he'd shake his head sadly and say "the grandson always loses the fucking lot"

Comment She's hardly typical of EULA transgressors (Score 1) 568

Al Capone - racketeer, murderer, bootlegger, etc was convicted of tax evasion. I've told a couple of small fibs on tax returns in the past, but I don't expect to be given jail time for it - sometimes the law has to work around its own limitations to convict someone who has taken morally reprehensible actions that it lacks the power to punish directly. I have no more fear of being charged for using a fake name to register at a website (which I do regularly) than I do of serving a prison sentence for my minor tax infractions.

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