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Comment Re:More government propaganda (Score -1) 816

"The question about finality of resources on this planet must never be answered with: 'more government', it must always be answered with: 'more freedom'."

Ahaha, yeah, right. What is the most polluting country in the world, and by far ? US. You know, land of the free and all this shit. A government is not by definition crap, it becomes crap. Less government means more corporations. Is that freedom ? No, it's slavery. Did I say you were an idiot ? You are an idiot.

Comment Re:Like a ratchet (Score -1) 309

That's fun, that's the exact excuse we have from politicians in France, too. Can you now please tell me two things :
1/ Where do they go ? China ? Zimbabwe ?
2/ Does a country need rich people who will run away as soon as they are asked to share ? These people didn't create value out of nothing, they build it on top of an existing system. If they don't want to share back (and still being VERY wealthy), we don't need them, period.

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