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Comment Service files are easy (Score 3, Informative) 928

Writing service files for my own daemons or modifying existing ones is pretty close to trivial. The files are short, easy to understand, and there isn't any risk of runaway child processes like there is with a sysvinit init script making them close to trivial to write and maintain. If anything I would say that's why so many distros are jumping on board.

I had to write service files as an early adopter, but it would also be useful for anyone rolling out their own daemons or that needed to tweak the behaviour of an existing service for their own needs. I imagine it would also lead to fewer packaging bugs.

Comment Re:Now I wish.... (Score 2) 60

Yes, it would have been interesting if he used at least some original game boy parts, but nope, all new hardware inside the case.

Hopefully someone posts a followup where they actually rig up the original screen and inputs.

Comment Re:Openbox (Score 1) 611

Um ... properly initializing your session is the responsibility of the display/login manager not the desktop environment.

When I used SLiM I got around those errors with ConsoleKit in my .xinitd. These days I just use lightdm (ConsoleKit is dead, but Google will probably tell you the alternative if you really don't want to use a display manager).

Comment Re:Dumber and dumber (Score 1) 233

My dad installed aftermarket cruise control for the first time because a drive that should have taken 5 hours took 3. It just use to be hard to maintain speed for a long time: some people always followed others, some people checked the speedometer all the time, some people drifted faster or slower, and maybe a tiny number actually managed to keep a more or less constant speed; but it certainly wasn't some skill that everyone use to have and now no one has. It was invented to overcome a shortcoming.

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