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Comment Re:Bad business practice (Score 1) 139

To be fair it says right on the AVGN store page under System Requirements that it requires Windows. The Steam Store is a website that anyone with a browser can access, regardless of what OS they run. I wouldn't expect Newegg or Amazon, for example, to only let me buy computer hardware that is compatible with the OS I am currently browsing from.

Though if you did it through the Steam client itself I can see the confusion... it should probably warn you at checkout in that case that you would need to own a different PC in order to play your order.

Currently I think the only warning is shown when you launch the game, and your hardware requirements don't seem to match up with the game's. In the cast of most hardware requirements the Steam Store can't tell while you're web browsing, but it can see your OS so they could check it earlier for that factor.

In the future you can use this page to browse Mac games on Steam.

Comment Re:Why not a master password for the PW manager? (Score 3, Informative) 113

Chrome already encrypts your data (on Windows at least) using your Windows login credentials using the Crypto API. If the user is not logged in, the passwords are impossible to read. If the user is logged in, all it takes is an API call run by that user to decrypt them, no reauthentication necessary (and this is why you lock your PC when you walk away). I think it is a very usable solution to the "but I save passwords to avoid remembering passwords, I don't want a master password" problem, but still keeping things secure.

I think cookies are encrypted now, too.

Comment "Limitations on proxy support"? (Score 2) 80

I assume they mean that it hooks into the OS-level proxy settings. That is a good thing, I hate configuring my proxy settings over and over and over for every application when the OS already has a setting for it.

But it isn't a limitation, last I checked there was a command line parameter for forcing use of a proxy. So just make a launcher app that forces Chrome to use Tor. You should be able to even launch a Tor-using Chrome side-by-side with a non-Tor Chrome if you set it up right (using --user-data-dir to make a new Chrome profile and instance instead of using a local user profile and instance).

Comment Re:Changes to the protocol? (Score 1) 82

The packets would still have to use the same exit node, since the final hop to the destination has to use the original TCP (one source, one destination) so it likely wouldn't add too much. The packets are already encrypted, so the intermediate nodes can't see what you're doing in any case, so I don't think there's an added benefit to doing that. Might just slow things down since the packets have to be assembled at the end anyway. Of course Tor hidden services don't take that last unencrypted hop, but it still uses the same hidden node as a destination.

Comment Re:Propaganda won't help this time (Score 1) 503

in addition to having lost citizens in the crash

I would think so too, but apparently as of this morning we're still not sure any Americans were even on board (?!?!) despite knowing when it happened that there were 23 on board. Of course maybe they're referring to actually finding and identifying bodies, I dunno.

Comment Re:Umm, ctrl+c/ctrl+v? (Score 0, Troll) 681

The Start Screen made a few critical improvements to the Start Menu, it just had the misfortune of being bundled with Metro.

Namely, it eliminated a few problems caused by third-party developers cluttering up the Start Menu with extraneous folders and shortcuts (no more nested folders). Now you can have a better organized Start Screen but still have access to all those extra shortcuts if you need them.

Bringing these enhancements back to the desktop would certainly be welcome, at least by me. Also, IIRC Tiles support was already announced for the Windows 9 Start Menu. So, like Android widgets or the already-existing desktop Gadgets... could be useful. I probably won't use them, though, except maybe for the weather.

Comment Re:PowerShell (Score 1) 215

I assume from this article that Linux replaces * with filenames before the command sees it. AFAIK DOS/Windows the wildcard is handled by each specific command. dir * displays the same listing as just plain dir does, while passing dir a bunch of directory names will display the contents of those directories (like ls does... I guess that explains that behavior! It always confused me). PowerShell, at least as far as Get-ChildItem, seems to work the same way as dir (except it does not take multiple directory names in parameters).

Comment Re:so how is Kickstarter not liable? (Score 1) 448

4 needs to be "start a class-action suit against the ACTUAL fraudsters". IIRC there was a story floating around the internet about such a lawsuit recently and the backers won.

Of course, this is because the kickstarter was a scam. If the actual product isn't delivered but the company was acting in good faith, you have no case. You're not guaranteed to get anything out of a kickstarter; it's an investment, and some investments fail.

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