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Comment Re:bit of a tricky question with forums (Score 1) 171

I understand that you are perfectly content with taking the spoon fed definition of ownership defined by "statute", however there are some of us that tend to think about these things as innate properties by virtue of us being human beings. Welcome to the world without spoon-fed state definitions; it's wonderfully ethical, and if you can stomach it and go past your own hypocritical definitions then you definitely should try it sometime.

Are you always this rude to strawmen, or is it just because your Christmas stocking was full of coal?

Comment Re:Violate the TOS (Score 1) 171

You can try claiming it's not all you want, but that doesn't change the legal facts.

To the letter of the law under the CFAA ANY USE OF A COMPUTER SYSTEM THAT IS NOT AN AUTHORIZED USE is a felony. You must have been asleep the last few years if you missed all the cases of prosecutorial abuse of this law where people have been charged with felonies for (among other things) making accounts for a fake persona (the Megan Meier suicide case) and downloading things too quickly (the Aaron Swartz case). Those are just the famous ones.

THE REALITY: If the company decides to ruin your life by complaining about your violation of the ToS to a federal prosecutor looking for an easy conviction (or just a bribe^H^H^H^H^H campaign contribution for when they run for Congress), then you will be facing felony charges.

Comment Re:bit of a tricky question with forums (Score 1) 171

As soon as you start mangling definitions, then you can do anything to this world.

You're the only one mangling definitions. He's using the same one everyone else in his jurisdiction does, where (like every where else in the world) "ownership" is defined by statute. Just because you don't like the law doesn't change the fact that the law defines what property "ownership" is. Welcome to civilization. It's an improvement over the previous condition where the definition of "ownership" was "you've killed everyone who wasn't willing to let you keep it."

Comment Re:First Shot (Score 1) 380

it's only us Westerners who have a long history of violent, expansionist, imperialism.

How does this kind of ignorant tripe get modded insightful? Only someone with the most cursory, Eurocentric understanding of history would say this. All of your examples suggest that you passed your high school World History course by snoring through it.

Violent, Expansionist, Imperialist Powers NOT part of "the West": Achaemenid Empire, the Mauryan Empire, the (several) Mongol Empires, the Mughal Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the several Caliphates, the Angkorian Empire, the Burmese Kingdoms from 1400-1800, virtually every Chinese empire ever, etc. Depending on your particular definition of "Western," add the Russian and Byzantine empires for good measure.

Of course, they all had great positive achievements as well, just as the violent, expanionist, imperialist powers of the west all had great achievements too. Except, of course (just to Godwin this whole line of conversation), the Nazis. Fuck those guys.

Comment Re:First Shot (Score 1) 380

There are lots of games where you can fight against the US in campaign mode. Hell, in C&C: Generals you could even play as Muslim terrorists. Of course, there are several Civil War games where you play from the Confederate side (Civil War Generals by Sierra was one of my favorite strategy games of all time if only for the imagined challenge of reversing what was really such a one sided conflict.

Comment Re:those numbers seem unsustainable (Score 3, Insightful) 152

Moving $60k online doesn't do you any good. You move it from their bank account to...what? Another stolen account that you can't withdraw from? Or one that has your address? Or one with a stolen SS#, but that has you on security cam footage? You move that kind of money out and you are going to be caught.

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